Chapter 79 Black-Red is Still Red, Unfortunately It's Not Good Red.

Evelyn Olsen tugged at the corner of her mouth before saying, "What's wrong, you're still my artist, is it wrong for me to come to see you? Plus, Linda Collins left the industry thanks to you. I must be utterly cursed to have signed an artist like you. But if I want to make money, you're the only one in my hands with potential popularity, so I can only come find you."

Evelyn's words were logical, but Hallie Morgan had a strong feeling that something was amiss.

"I see, I thought you had given up on me too, Evelyn."

"How could that be? After all, you still have a five-year contract with me, am I right?" Her words were laced with venom, which sent a chill down Hallie's spine.

Yes, she had been duped into signing a five-year contract with Evelyn Olsen when she was still young and naive.

By uttering this statement, Evelyn was deliberately reminding Hallie that she was still under her control.