Chapter 87: Trying to set rules for Hallie Morgan but gets backfired


Hallie Morgan couldn't help thinking, It's so early in the morning and we are talking about rules?

"Maybe Dylan has mentioned this to you. Although I am his aunt, I raised him like my own son. The respect he has for me is incomparable, and he always listens to me. As you can see, my expectations for you aren't high. Considering your background, I don't expect you to be like the cultured ladies from well-off families. However, supporting your husband and teaching your children, being able to host guests and handle house chores, these are basics you should be able to handle. Although we have many servants here, it's always best for Dylan's meals and clothes to be prepared by you. If you don't know how to, I can arrange someone to teach you tomorrow."


Support a husband and do house chores?

Wow, Hallie thought, this woman really sees herself as a classic feudal matriarch. She's even setting rules for me now.