Chapter 194 Let's Break Up

"Hallie, don't be afraid. Once this is done, you'll be my granddaughter-in-law. If this brat ever dares to bully you in the future, I can rightfully discipline him, so don't be afraid."

That's not the point…

Hallie Morgan watched Dylan Collins with a reluctant mindset.

He glared at Hallie, his eyes brimming with threats.

She dare hesitate, especially at a time like this, with so many people watching.

Hallie shrank inside under that knife-like gaze.

Fine, fine, she'll sign, isn't signing enough?

Hallie Morgan signed her own name with a sense of fatalism.

But she wondered, Had she really married herself off without even knowing why?

This was so far from what she had imagined.

No romantic proposal, no wedding, no courtship...

No love either, just getting married because of a child...

This was far from the life she had planned.

Of course, the fact that the groom was the only one of his kind, was something she could not have anticipated.