Chapter 204 Grandpa Wants Us to Have a Wedding

Gabriel Jones' hand slackened.

Was she serious?

No, he didn't believe it. She had played too many tricks over the years. He didn't believe that she would suddenly propose a divorce.

"Fine then, I'll sign the papers. Remember what you said, it's all up to you. I'll give you a week. I just hope that I won't hear about you backing out after a week, although with your track record, you've changed your mind plenty of times," he scoffed.

Listening to his mockery, Kylie Morales could only give a bitter laugh. She forcefully pushed him away and moved inward.

Watching her figure leave, Gabriel suddenly had the feeling that she wasn't acting, but really in pain, a pain so severe that her body seemed to curl up with it.

But in the end, he still didn't follow her.

This woman had been plotting their marriage from the very beginning. Any alleged logical arrangement of a union was false – it was all part of her calculation.

Such a calculating person - he won't be fooled.