Chapter 253 Why Are You Hurting My Child

The first recording of the show was completed.

Kylie Morales remarked, "You seem to be very knowledgeable, as if you've seen it all, even BL?"

Hallie Morgan quickly stuck out her tongue in response, "It's all about gaining experience, to enrich one's career as an actor..."

Kylie Morales looked at Hallie Morgan helplessly.

"Well, SisterMercy," Ruby Morgan strode over seductively and assertively, "I remember, you were always stressing that we should not carelessly pair-bait, but rely on real talent. It seems principles can be changed, doesn't it? Your Hallie, has actually started publicly pair-baiting. SisterMercy, are you so desperate to beat me?"

Hallie looked at the woman in front of her, tilted her head.

"Why are you being so sarcastic? Did the recording not go well?"