Chapter 367: Officially Made Love

"Of course it's my room."

Hallie Morgan, clutching her clothes, stepped into his room. The masuline room was much larger than the guest room she used to live in.

Hallie looked around, noticing the books he had placed to one side, all of which seemed unreadable to her. Behind them were a few simple award certificates that she couldn't identify, and some meticulously arranged work materials. Compared to her own room, which was in a permanent state of lively disarray, this space was so neat it was like being in a five-star hotel room...

"What are you looking at?"

Hallie was startled by the sudden voice from behind.

Quickly turning around, Hallie started, "Nothing, just curious to look around. Besides, I don't understand any of these... My English is very poor, so rest assured, I'm not spying on your business secrets."

Dylan Collins shook his head, removing his shoes and sitting on the bed.

"I know you. You would never snoop on my secrets."