Chapter 394: CEO Collins is on a business trip

She is really scheming then.

After the release of the second phase trailer of "Ladies Abode", it was immediately picked up by Star Satellite TV Station.

There's a fundamental difference between a web drama and a TV drama. Once it airs on TV, it becomes a mainstream drama. Even if it gained popularity online, it would still be considered a web drama. The money earned might not vary drastically, but for the actors, it's a world of difference.

Kylie Morales immediately said, "Hallie, that's fantastic. Your first lead role drama is going on Star."

Hallie Morgan glanced at her, "That's so... so lucky."

Though she was just the second female lead, at least she was still a leading actress.

And getting on Star is quite difficult these days.

In the morning, they were scheduled to visit Collins Group for the cleaning activity. Having secured a spot on Star TV as well, the entire crew couldn't be happier.