Chapter 396: CEO Collins is not on a business trip!

A group of people entered the room and suddenly saw Ruby Morgan inside, who walked over to them. She gave Hallie Morgan a white-eyed look before arrogantly striding ahead.

Despite being pregnant, she was dedicated enough to wear ten-centimeter-high heels. Seeing Hallie, Ruby came over and lowered her voice slightly, "Why didn't SisterMercy come? I wanted to share my good news with her."

"What good news? Are you getting married to Gabriel Jones? Hurry up, you two are perfect for each other, better go and sort yourselves out rather than messing with other people."


After Hallie finished speaking, she turned around and walked inside. Seeing the staff quickly surrounding her, Hallie managed to put on her signature smile.

Nevertheless, Ruby's fans were much more numerous.

Suddenly, there were murmurs of Ruby's name coming from all around.

"Ruby, Ruby."

"Ruby's so beautiful."