Chapter 402: The First Birthday Celebration of My Life

Her birthday is next week.

Hallie Morgan bounced back home with enthusiasm.

Her birthday is far away from Aria Morgan's, there's no need to celebrate it together. But from now on, she won't have to celebrate her birthday with her; she has her own birthday now.

Hallie was overjoyed.

"Dylan Collins, it turns out that next week is my birthday," she excitedly told Dylan Collins.

"Oh ... is that so? What do you want as a birthday gift?"

"Hmm, I've not thought about that yet. I was only wondering excitedly that I've got a star sign now and a formal full name. Teehee, I need to have a new fortune reading. Every time I used to hear about star signs, I would get so frustrated because everyone was discussing their star signs, but I didn't even know mine. Now I finally know! I'm a Leo."


She found out about her birthday, and the happiest thing for her was discovering her star sign? She can now get a fortune reading based on her star sign?

This girl is really ...