Chapter 447: But They Gave Too Much

Fredrick Jones amusedly glanced at Kylie Morales, who was insistently calling him Uncle.

"Hmm, a nice outfit. Off you go."


The way Fredrick was looking at her made her feel weak all over, as if his gaze could penetrate her soul, it was disconcerting. Could it be that her attire had once again displeased him?

He was eying her differently when she addressed him as Uncle.

Perhaps he found it endearing?

It seems she should call him Uncle more often.

Anyway, she should have been addressing him like that before their divorce.

Deciding to make the change, she left the room with assistants rushing in behind her.

"Sir, are you leaving?"


The assistant was taken aback by Fredrick's gaze, which lingered at the door. Initially, he pitied her, but now their paths seemed to converge and Fredrick's look became increasingly enigmatic.

Could it be that the Sir was... having feelings for her?