Chapter 475: Apart from that blemish, Hallie is perfect

Catherine York got off the car and looked at the director's team.

"You guys caught that shot just now, right? Dylan Collins was just taking pity on her and assisting her. You can't include this shot in the program, you understand, right?"


Is that what they call showing mercy?

Catherine hummed in affirmation, her face was full of certainty, "After all, I'm very close to him, so he's always ice-cold towards me, not being polite at all. But his approach towards Hallie is different, very courteous, understand?"

"Yes, yes, we get it..."

Watching Catherine complete her speech and walk away, the director sighed.

None of these people are easy to handle.

In the end, Hallie's group, indeed, arrived at the Winslow's household earlier than the Winslow group.

Even though the Winslow siblings were very familiar with their home, they had never taken the subway before, so there were quite a few complications along the way.