Chapter 533: So, This is Why You Ran Away

If it weren't for Hallie Morgan showing up halfway, he might have been engaged to Ally Berg by now.

Thinking of Hallie Morgan, who had disappeared without a trace, Dylan Collins felt a twinge of pain.

He angrily took out his phone and saw a message from Hallie Morgan.

Meanwhile, Rex Morales was still chattering away. He caught sight of Dylan Collins' expression softening for the first time that night.

Dylan Collins opened Whatsapp, and saw a cautiously worded message from Hallie.

"Have you eaten?"


What kind of a message was that?

Dylan's brows furrowed high.

On the other side, Kylie Morales was watching a fidgety Hallie Morgan.

"What are you doing? I'm telling you, this is how the event works. We're having a ranking event on Valentine's Day and you need to wear this cosplay costume for a photo shoot."

"I understand, I understand...wait, it's going to be Valentine's Day?"

"Yeah, I've said it so many times. What are you thinking about?"