Chapter 688: Maya Morales Raises Her Eyebrows and Exhales

"Not yet, but it seems like you've got him completely under your control. He's always happily cleaning up whatever mess you make."


If someone dared to speak like that about Dylan Collins, he'd probably throttle them when he gets home.

"Hallie, why are you guys outside?"

Hallie Morgan heard Dylan Collins's voice, and it startled her.

It's like the saying goes: don't speak of the devil in the daytime or ghosts at night. He showed up way too quickly.

"Oh, we were just... We weren't saying anything. You're here already?"

Hallie Morgan walked over, smiling, and noticed another person standing there.

Lance Collins.

Lance Collins was taken aback. He had followed Dylan Collins to join the fun. Recently, the second branch and third branch had been close, and the second branch asked Lance Collins to become closer with Dylan to prevent the first branch from stirring up trouble between the families at this time.