Chapter 848: Tearing Off the Mask

"Why don't I find it impressive? The praise for Hallie Morgan is over the top."

"Right? I can't see what the fuss is about. It's just line delivery."

"One glance and you can tell she's nowhere near as good as Stella Flores."

"Am I just ignorant, or am I that shallow? I think anyone could play her part, but Stella Flores? That's not something just anyone can pull off. You could see the fear and the veins popping out."

"Isn't that the truth? Let Hallie Morgan try that role, see how she fares. She's so young, and here she is, bold enough to ride the coattails of Stella Flores with these Most Searched headlines."

"To the person above, if you don't understand it, don't talk nonsense. Crying, trembling, fear, panic... these emotions are all required courses in acting. This is what they start learning when they first go to school. The hardest thing to portray is actually the most natural emotion."