Cooperation Achieved

"You have such a strange power! Do you really like pigs?"

"Yes. I can provide you with pig feed continuously, but you need to get rid of all these dead pigs, okay?"

The dead pigs could not be eaten either. They were just taking up space.

Li Ran was thinking of breeding the pigs in the mysterious space. 

"Don't tell me, you want to eat them? I won't allow that."

"I'll only eat my own pigs."

If Li Ran brought too many pigs into the mysterious space, she might not have ample time to deal with them. They might starve to death.

However, if the pigs were kept in the real world, she could arrange for others to raise them. That would be much more convenient.

The voice paused and thought about it. Li Ran's offer was rather tempting.

"Am I supposed to help you look after all the pigs?"

"Just your own portion. The piglets bred by my pigs would be mine and vice versa. Don't you think that works out nicely?"