The Tale of Spells

"In the days of yore, when Inna and Soma were brothers and used to rise and set together" began the faint voice.  Plagued by hunger and bitter cold Charan saw two tiny lights, one bright and warm and the other pale and cold appeared in the dark grotto. They chased each other like two colts or canines playing in the meadow. Charana's hollowed eyes blinked as he rose his face from his knobby knees. 

"All hearts were as white as snowflakes, with no blemish of lie and vices. Oh! How happy they were!"  Envy dripped from the feeble voice as it went on. "They had nothing on them --no shinny clothes, no tempting jewels, no grand palace. But they had all for themself--rivers of nectar, fruits of life, caves of Mona, melodies of birds, lullabies of winds--everything was theirs.-from luscious forests to sky-soaring mountains. The son of Mazia could go anywhere, for all land was theirs. "