Battle with Al- Drum

As soon as Ishit passed the 108th cycle of the powerful but simple Pranayam, something stirred between his eyes brows, as if a snake uncoiled and slithered away, unblocking the passage. Euphoria washed over his body. The head-splitting pain disappeared as if it was just an illusion. Then came the silence, the quietness of the sky. It descended upon him like a butterfly. The chaotic thoughts, which had been tormenting him since he returned Kirat, finally disappeared, leaving behind a limpid pool with no ripple. Ishit became a watcher, and he listened to a distant voice. Or if misery, suffering, and agony could speak, they would sound like that faint voice. Undisturbed, calm like a Himalayan Naga ( they live naked in an icy cave of the Himalaya) sage, Ishit heard the piteous voice.