
The chapter is coming soon!! Death Will Dance 

"Have you he

ard the lore of Inna, my lord?" asked Charan, his eyes gleaming. The old suta couldn't believe his luck. He had never ima

gined that one day he wo

uld serve the crown prince of the realm, the future monarch of Varta. Moreover, bef

ore so many nobles. Each of them was on par with L

ord Oman in wealth and power. 

Sitting ami

dst so many betters, he couldn't help felt conscious of his humble attire. Juga, the little page, hadn't told him who he was go

ing perform for. But anyway, it didn't matter too much. If he performed well and managed to impress this regal patron, he mi

ght not have to worry about his livings at least for a year or two. Thinking this, Charan, a eighty years old charan, elders of all magsmen of Minaak, adjusted his lute and cleared his throat. In his heart, he prayed to his clan goddess, Belon, the four-headed female deity.