Rise and Fall

If Oliver had some misgiving about his new job, they too evaporated when he entered the game center. It was a Hitech room equipped with capsules or sleep pods. Oliver noticed he was not alone. There were other five people -three young and two old. Just one look and Oliver knew they were all gearheads like him.

"Hello guys, meet our last teammate, Mr. Oliver Brown," Euler said. All the five cronies looked away except two.

One was a girl with green eyes, and the other was a skinny young guy. Oliver couldn't see the girl's face as it was covered beneath her black mask.

"Hi! I'm Joe. Lewis, not Biden, " The skinny young man grinned. His shifty eyes warned Oliver that he had to keep an eye on this rat if he didn't want his purse to be stolen.

"Common guys! I know you all like to work alone. But a short introduction won't harm anyone. " Euler said, seeing their snobbish acts.