
As students stepped before the translucent fire doors, they dissolved into the air like soap bubbles. 

"We heartily welcome you to Vodia station!"

A sweet female voice echoed. 

Oliver discovered the vessel he was traveling on was technically not a train. The silver-colored craft looked like a hyperloop. The only differ

She was a final-year student and doing her internship in the Living forest division of the academy. The girl wanted to be a forest ranger, an extremealy risky jobs.  As the forests of Ealorus were filled with gentic evolved creatures. 

"He wouldn't. He thinks he can handle Andrew and his brutes alone," Before Oliver could speak Ruby cut in, giving him a glare. She was like this.

She was a final-year student and doing her internship in the Living forest division of the academy. The girl wanted to be a forest ranger, an extremealy risky jobs.  As the forests of Ealorus were filled with gentic evolved creatures.