Altering Aura and heading to the public plaza!

Mulberry Town was a small town in terms of population. The level of golden core realm was the highest one had attained here.

Actually, Mulberry Town had never been unified before, with clans competing for supremacy.

However, the strongest individual, the Patriarch of Lin, had suppressed other clans. Thanks to him, the Lin family had risen to become the town's number one clan years ago.

Opposing the Lins was akin to chasing destruction, but some clans were ambitious and challenged the Lins.

However, those ambitious clans faced a crushing loss.

Because of ambition, their clans were vanquished and sank into deterioration.

Some clans had prevailed but had fallen greatly.

Xin Family was one of them.

They were dissatisfied with the Lins and challenged their authority. However, it was crushed quickly; losing most of its land to the Lins, and was now in a state of decline.

After leaving Mount Shang, Lin Xueqin quickly returned to the mulberry town.

The street was crowded with people as Lin Xueqin strolled around. By now, he had calmed down.

Although he was still a little unsettled from killing someone, and the dazing effect of the invisibility had greatly affected his vision, he had recouped on the trauma.

'I need to get this dizziness under control. I should buy a mask and clothes to disguise myself, then employ the technique's second function, altering aura.'

Lin Xueqin pondered, then visited the marketplace.

"Fresh fish for ten copper!"

"Weapon at a low cost. Weapon for cheap. 20% discount, but only today!"

"Yin Grass for sale! Not accepting other than spirit stones."

The marketplace was already buzzing with activity the moment Lin Xueqin arrived.

Vendors yelled at the top of their lungs to attract customers while others coax with a limited-time discount on their stores.

People have different purposes for visiting the marketplace, so the advertisement seemed unnecessary.

However, Mulberry Market Place had its fair share of competition, and every merchant was fighting for customers.

Even in a place such as market place, there is a competition happening.

Lin Xueqin smiled at this scene, but he was slightly surprised when he heard the phrase 'Yin Grass.'

Yin Grass was a popular therapeutic herb used to concoct antidote for poison. Although it was common, it was difficult to obtain a stash of it since the herb can only be found in Deadly Forest.

Theoretically, it was rather easy to get them, but Deadly Forest was home to toxic beasts, so none was willing to risk their lives to pick up such kinds of herbs.

Perhaps only the most desperate would venture into such a place.

'If I have the chance, I'll go check out the Deadly Forest. I have a concealment technique, so if something unexpected happens, I can easily flee. Perhaps I'll be fortunate enough to absorb something useful and obtain a poison-related skill.'

'Poison skill and concealment technique. Surprisingly, I'm already on the route of assassination.'

He shook his head thinking of this. Then, he ignored the vendors as he out to find a clothing store.

'Weapon stores, pill stores, trade stores...I've finally seen them.'

Lin Xueqin mentally sighed as he passed these stores.

'Before I can only envision this world through a novel, but now I'm walking and living in the world of cultivation.'

'This world is simply too mystifying, but dangerous.'

Lin Xueqin sighed in amazement. Then his eyes became cold as ice, 'Mulberry town is a little town, yet it has surprised me to this extent; how about the rest of the world? If I wish to explore such a world, I must value my life, practice caution, and be selfish!'

'A pure and selfless carp can easily die in the world of cultivation, no cap!'

After contemplation, Lin Xueqin secretly swore to live a long life.

After swearing, he strolled through the market, passing numerous stores.

He passed a few clothes stores but did not enter since they were too crowded.

People had seen Lin Xueqin's face since he was well-known in the neighborhood after all.

If he truly shops in the crowded stores, the risk of being exposed was great.

He didn't want to risk revealing himself, even if he possessed a terrifying concealment technique. Even now, the invisibility caused negative side effects such as dizziness, which greatly affected Lin Xueqin to the point he had to used an alternative route to disguise himself.

Thus, he avoided such busy clothes store in favor of a less busy one.

After wandering around for a minute, his eyes brightened.

In front of his eyes was a clothes store.

There was just one person inside as he scanned with his spiritual sense. Furthermore, that person was mortal since there was no qi fluctuation surrounding him.

Lin Xueqin didn't rush in and swept his gaze; people passing by simply gave the shop a passing glance and murmured a few words before departing.

Lin Xueqin nodded at this sight, and after ensuring that the place was safe, he finally stepped inside.

All the time, he had been using the invisibility function, so the owner of the store who was reading a book did not notice him as he entered the shop.

After entering, Lin Xueqin took a look around him. His mouth opened in surprise.

He could see various types of medieval and ancient clothing, unlike the modern ones he used to see when he shop.

A slew of hats dangled from the bar and the shop even had many types of masks.

This truly surprised Lin Xueqin since he had never seen such clothes before his transmigration.

He paused for a while before grabbing two sets of clothes, a bamboo hat, and a mask that covered his entire face save for his pupils.

After secretly paying the shopkeeper with spirit stones, he placed them in the ring and left quietly.

Meanwhile, the fat shopkeeper shook his head, putting down the book he had been reading all along.

"This book is too good to be true," He lamented, "Now that piqued my interest on whom wrote this book. The writer is a genius, introducing and paving a new type of genre on books known as the system."

"Many merchants such as me read this book, but only I greatly resonate with it. The mc runs a little store in a remote area, and I'm in the same situation." He sighed as he shook his fat body slightly, "If I can mention a difference between me and this protagonist would be that I'm just an extra and he's the lucky guy with the system. What annoys and excites me the most is that he had become the generation's merchant god!"

"God damn extra, no system for me!" The fat shopkeeper's face twitched the more his thoughts wander on the book he had read.

The book was so good, but at the same time, it left the feeling of yearning. Because of such a hook, he had been reading the 'Merchant God From Another World' book for seven days and seven nights.

Since no customers had ever visited his shop, he completed the book just now. However, he felt slightly tired now that he had finished it. As he stood up and yawned, preparing to close his shop and sleep, he suddenly noticed glittering spirit stones on the counter.

His expression froze at the blinding sight.

"Spirit stones, eh?" And 10 on top of that?"

The fat shopkeeper stared at the spirit stones dumbfoundedly.

"Did money fall from the sky? Eh, my store has a roof; this can't come from the sky."

Suddenly, he remembered the merchant god from the book. He opened his mouth in surprise, "Don't tell me he exists, pity a mortal like me, and gave me this much money?"

"As expected of the merchant god, rich as f*ck!"

The fat shopkeeper couldn't explain how these spirit stones appeared, so he pushed the blame on the merchant god.

No way these spirit stones came at their own will, right?

After pondering, he quickly calmed down and hurriedly stored the spirit stones.

After storing them, the fat shopkeeper was so excited that he leapt twice on his seat and stumbled on the ground when he closed his store. On top of that, he accidentally stepped in the dog feces when he wandered the street.

"I'm really lucky today, no way! Dog feces are the sign of good fortunes. I should gamble right away while this luck had yet to fade!"

Afraid that his luck would vanish out of nowhere, the shopkeeper headed straight to the gambling area.


After leaving the clothing store, Lin Xueqin sought a remote location where he could deactivate the concealment technique.

Soon after, he discovered an empty alleyway.

He expanded his spiritual sense. After he had surveyed, and ensuring that no one was within fifty meters of him, he deactivated the concealment technique's invisibility function.

Immediately after, the mists that had enveloped him all this while dissipated quickly, revealing his tone figure.

Following which, he changed clothes. And after wearing the stuff he had bought, he quickly examined his appearance with his spiritual sense.

He saw a strange man dressed in a green robe through his spiritual sense. Even if someone peered at the strange man, the bamboo hat on his head would fully conceal him.

Even more, the black mask he wore obscured his entire face.

Unless someone scanned his spiritual sense to the strange man, no one could recognize his appearance.

Lin Xueqin was pleased with his disguise, but it still lacked something.

This level of disguise could easily be exposed by a foundation establishment cultivators.

Thus, he had to use the concealment technique's altering aura.

After altering his aura, he could prevent people from scanning him with a spiritual sense.

His disguise would be flawless after altering aura!

Quickly after, Lin Xueqin began to alter his aura with the use of Encompassing Concealment Technique.

In less than a minute, he had altered his aura similar to an ordinary middle-aged man.

Lin Xueqin nodded on the disguise. Unlike the invisibility function, the altering aura had no side effects such as dizziness, making it incredibly convenient for him.

As for his voice, he had never been concerned about being exposed through it. A cultivator can easily alter the cords on his throat, so altering the voice was a simple thing to him.

After double-checking his disguise, he exhaled and strode out the empty alley.

'What to do next?'

'Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I have to visit the public library to search the information about the legendary levels. If I'm lucky enough to discover what I'm looking for, I'll surely profit from visiting!'

Shortly after, Lin Xueqin returned to the market's crowded street.

As he walked around, he noticed people cursing and conversing with one another.

Lin Xueqin was able to hear them clearly thanks to his enhanced senses.

He swept his eyes, and the two middle-aged men caught his attention.

"Lin Family has been arrogant in recent years, unconcerned about public opinion. I had no idea they would finally take things seriously for the first time, what a surprise."

"You're right, man. I have been laughing at them since I believed they were joking. But knowing that Lin Xueqin the Demon would be decapitated in the square took me completely by surprise. Don't tell me the Lins has changed its routine?"

"That can't be real, right? They merely vowed to punish Lin Xueqin since the Third Elder had died."

"Meh, fart they'll change. Even if they change, I would still despise them. Look, they promised to behead Lin Xueqin early in the morning, but it's already near afternoon, and the execution has yet to begin. They're still conceited and arrogant, and it's so dull waiting in the square!"

A passerby sighed and joined the chat, "I have heard some rumors just now, wanna know?"

The two men instantly stared at him.

The passerby calmly stated under the stares, "From what I've heard, they're attempting to deceive us."

"Deceive us? How's that possible?"

Some people that heard him frowned.

"Say, can you prove what you had just said?"

One of the two men asked curiously.

"So you didn't see, did you?" As he stated this, the passerby noticed them shaking their head so he explained, "Forget it. Just come to the plaza and you'll see why I said they are attempting to deceive us."

The passerby left shortly after he said that. When they saw this, the crowds on the street's interest were piqued and thus followed him.

Meanwhile, Lin Xueqin rubbed his chin. He could tell what was going on based on the passerby's words.

The Lins were undoubtedly panic-stricken now that Lin Xueqin had fled.

But since they could not take the words they said back, they had no choice but to continue the execution.

However, Lin Xueqin had long escaped, so who would they behead?

The air?

Lin Que?

Lin Mingyue?

He knew the answer right away

'So the Lins' is attempting to deceive the audience by killing an innocent person.'

'I can't just stand, do nothing, and watch, can I?'

'Since I intend to disorganize and destabilize Mulberry Town, I must first crush the position of the Lin Family as overlord of the town. That way, a chance of revolt would gradually sprout on the people's hearts!'

'Since they detest the Lins' all this time, it would be easy to reignite the ambition on these people's heart.'

'All this meant the tides of chaos will not happen without an initiator! And I'll take that position!'

'Even if the patriarch of Lin is present, I'm certain he can't detect me.'

With that thought, Lin Xueqin followed the sea of people to the public plaza.