Yes... here I would like to say something about that bonding of STARS in a IONOSPHERIC LAYER... among that UNIVERSAL KINGDOM...
Simply to say... that PLANETS only moving in its own separate IONOSPHERIC LAYER.. But .. in a single set of IONOSPHERIC LAYER... Lakhs of STARS are moving in various size and various speed...
Basically... that moving and rotating speed of a small size STARS are little more than that of big size STARS ...
When one big size and small size STARS are moving in a IONOSPHERIC LAYER.. or simply to say in other words... one fast moving STAR coming back of one slow moving STAR ... At one point... that fast moving STAR will hit that slow moving one ..
These like collapses among that STARS in a IONOSPHERIC LAYER is avoided by that alternate magnetic power induced by that strong IONOSPHERIC LAYER moving on its both sides in opposite directions...
When that two STARS having various speed coming to close each other... both are getting pulling and repelling each other due to that induced alternate magnetic power...
Due to that pulling and repelling force ... mutually both are getting little deviation in its way .. When that pulling and repelling power of that two is very close to each other... That two STARS are getting tight bond and starts its journey as a couple of one.
When another one fast moving STAR is coming close to that couple of STARS moving in front.... If that pulling and repelling power of that third one also very close to that couple of one ... that third one also join in that bond of couple one...
As per this only...many of STARS getting permanent bond ... and moving as s chain of STARS.
When two various speed of STARS coming close to each other... if that pulling and repelling power of that two is not close to each other... that two are getting mutual deviation in its way... And that faster one overtake that slower one... and again it starts to move and rotates independently as its before...
Rotating speed and that induced magnetic power in a STAR and PLANET is permanently based on total metal contents of a STARS and PLANETS... Not based on all other content of a STARS and PLANETS ...
Simply to say .. as per that breath for all living kinds ... that IONOSPHERIC LAYERS are the activating source for all STARS and PLANETS...
If there is no IONOSPHERIC LAYERS in this UNIVERSAL KINGDOM... There is no magnetic power for any STAR and PLANET... Magnetic power of all STARS and PLANETS are only induced by that IONOSPHERIC LAYERS.