Yes... here also I am thinking to say something about that TRIPLE ACTING DRAMA by that GOD..

After that two GOD... (. ALLAH and PARAMASIVA. ) were made as two VOLCANO among that SKY OCEAN... DEVI PARASHAKTI watching arround there in all directions... .

All areas arround there being quite and calm... DEVI PARASHAKTI stretching her LEGS and HANDS in different direction and in different angle... Different types of jewels were came to her LEGS and HANDS as per for her whole BODY.... ...

DEVI PARASHAKTI starts her RUTHRA THANDAV DANCE with her ANGRY FACE... After a few seconds... small CRACKS and BREAKS were appeared on that two VOLCANOS with big and small BOMB BLASTS sounds...

DEVI PARASHAKTI watching that with her ANGRY FACE. suddenly both of that two VOLCANOS got great BLASTS with great THUNDER FOLDING sounds and disappear from there....

Instead of that two VOLCANOS ... two GOD ALLAH and PARAMASIVA only standing there with her smiling faces...

So... what happened in next ... Let we see that in our next CHAPTER...