3-Meet and Greet

Issan walks to the door and as soon as he gets to the door the doors open. Drenial walks in and stops in the doorway and looks at Issan and the little girl he is holding. Cleopatra looks at him and smiles the sweetest smile Drenial has ever seen. He steps forward and Issan holds his hand up and says "That's close enough she hasn't eaten in a few days and I'm not sure how she will react just yet to someone she hasn't met. So for her safety please don't come any closer." Drenial says "For her safety what about mine?" Issan holds Cleopatra close and says "She's still a child and I need to keep her safe and if she growls I know how your guards will act to her growling so please don't. I will kill anyone who threatens her and you getting close at the moment is threatening to her safety and life. So please wait till she is fed." Drenial looks at her and looks at Issan and says "She's the Brenos that you bought. How are you able to hold her if she hasn't eaten anything I also heard that your Brenos was dying and hasn't woken up or anything in days so how are you even able to do that?" Issan just smiles and says while stroking her hair "She is My Sweet Little Cleo, right Cleo." He kisses her on the cheek and all she does is smile and blush.

Issan says "Well shall we head to the dining hall I have asked them to prepare a meal I figured you would be hungry." Drenial nods his head and then says "Is it safe you think to be here with her since she has not eaten? If you don't think it's safe then we will stay outside." Issan narrows his eyes and says "We?" Drenial says "Yes we I brought my wife, your little brother and your little sister." Issan smiles and then starts to laugh and says "Yes it is safe just don't get to close at the moment wait till she eats as long as I have her she will be fine." Cleopatra shakes her head and says "They will be fine Cleo will not hurt them. Cleo won't hurt anything to My Issan." Issan smiles not knowing fully what to say or do so he just runs his fingers through her hair and says "That's right your Issan as you are My Cleo." Drenial just stood there in shock and asks "Did she just talk?" Issan nods and says "I think she's retaining what is said and learning how to use them right." Drenial says "Issan I told you to get a full blooded Brenos not another hybrid." An irritated look came onto Issan's face and he says "She is full blooded unless Malloy lied to me and sold me a hybrid from the full blooded area." Drenial looks at her and steps forward more into the castle and jesters for them to come in and he lines them up and says "This is my wife Sakara, my youngest son Bryan, and this little girl is my only daughter Melody." Cleopatra looks at them and smiles and says "Hi I'm Issan's Sweet Little Cleo. You can call me Cleopatra." Sakara heard some of the conversation knowing she's a full blooded Brenos grabs Melody and puts her behind her and says "Did she just talk?" Cleopatra starts to whimper she thought she did something wrong and Issan gave Sakara an evil look that made her step back.

Issan starts to bounce and starts humming the same song again in her ear. Drenial looks at Issan and says "That's the tune from the lullaby your mother would sing to you." Issan stops and says "Yes it is and it relaxes Cleo. Your wife might need to be put on a leash if she acts and treats Cleo like that again." Everyone got really quite for no one knew what to say and then one of the maids from the dining hall comes and says "The food is ready My Lord." Issan turns and starts walking to the dining hall and walks in still holding Cleopatra in his arms and he sits in his chair at the head of the table and sits Cleopatra on his lap and say "Cleo's food needs to be right here, please." The dining hall maid moves Cleopatra's food to her and Cleopatra says "Thank you. I'm Cleopatra." The dining hall maid smiles and say "Your welcome my pleasure Cleopatra. I'm Celine." Cleopatra smiles at her and Celine smiles back and bows her head and steps back. Melody runs in right into the room and sits in the chair closet to them and says "When we get done eating you want to play Cleopatra? Can we play big brother Issan." Issan just smile and says "If Cleopatra wants to play I don't see a reason why you can't play."

Drenial went to say something but as soon as he thought Issan was already looking at him to keep his mouth shut. Cleopatra looks at Issan then at looks at Drenial and then at Melody not sure what to say she just smiles. Issan looks at Melody and says "I think you should sit over there next to father and your mother and give Cleo room to eat." Melody went from smiling to sad and she looks down and says "Alright I will move." As she moves to the other end of the table Cleopatra looks at Issan and ask "Why did you make her move? I won't hurt her I have no reason to hurt her." Issan just looks at Cleopatra and says "Is it wrong to want to be alone with you. When for the first time since I brought you home this will be the first time you will be away from my side. I'm not a fan of the thought of you being far from me." They just sat there looking at each other until Drenial says "So how old is Cleopatra, Issan?" Issan looks up and Cleopatra looks over at Drenial with an annoyed look on her face and she corrects herself and grabs her food and starts eating. Issan clears his throat and says "Well she was 5 months when I brought her home and she's been here for a week. So 5 months and a week." Drenial starts to laugh and then says "You expect me to believe that she's only 5 months old." Issan says "Marv said she was 5 months and Brenos grow faster than we do everyone know that. So why don't you believe me when I tell you that she's 5 months." Drenial just stares at her and thinks to himself and says "Half breeds grow fast but not this fast and I've never seen a full blooded Brenos grow in age before."

Issan just smiles and says "I have not either this will be my first and so far it's looking good on all ends. Plus no one knows when they hit full adult hood or anything so by watching her grow we can learn more about her kind. I want to make something very clear she is NOT a test subject yes we can learn things from watching her but you and no one else will make her a test subject. Do I make myself clear." Cleopatra just sits there after she finishes waiting for Issan to tell her what to do next. Issan looks at Cleopatra as she stops moving and sits back. Issan asks "Are you done eating?" Issan looks over at the food as Cleopatra says "It's all gone no more food." When Issan looks at the plate he sees that it is all gone bones completely picked clean even the marrow from the bones is gone. Issan chuckles and asks "Are you still hungry My Sweet Little Cleo?" Cleopatra smiles and says "No, I'm full." Cleopatra looks at Issan and then at Drenial and smiles and asks "Can me and Melody go play now, please?" Issan looks at Drenial and says "As long as everyone is ok with you and Melody going and playing." Melody and Cleopatra look at Drenial and smile and both say in unison "PLEASE." Drenial gives in and says "Alright but only if you stay where we can see you." Melody jumps up from the table and runs to Cleopatra and says "Come on Cleopatra let's play." Cleopatra looks at Issan and Issan nods his head letting her know she can go play.

Cleopatra gets down and lingers at Issan's side and keeps looking at him waiting for him to get up and follow her. Cleopatra got sick of waiting and starts to whimper and held her hands up for Issan. Issan does as Cleopatra wants and picks her up. Melody walks closer and asks "What's wrong Cleopatra?" Issan says "She's fine I think she just got a little nervous being far from me that's all. Cleo it's ok you can play with her without me." Cleopatra shakes her head and clings to Issan as if someone was trying to take her from him. Drenial gets up and walks over and places a hand on Issan shoulder and says "You need to set boundaries Issan without them kids will walk all over you and she already knows how to work you." Issan turns to Drenial and says "I will also remind you that she's only 5 months old and this is all new to her. Plus I don't tell you how to raise your kids." Cleopatra pulls away and struggles to get down so Issan puts her down and asks "What's wrong you normally don't like it when I put you down?" Cleopatra looks at Issan and points and says "My Issan." then point to herself "Your Cleo." Issan had no idea what to say. So he says "Yes your Issan and my Cleo that's right." Cleopatra shakes her head and repeats it and point again at him "My Issan" then to herself "Your Cleo."

Marv steps forward and says "She's saying that she has set claim on you. You're not a father you belong to her as her Mate." Issan looks at him and asks "So what does that mean?" Cleopatra says "Issan's Queen." Everyone just looks at her not saying anything. No one knows what to say and Issan thinks of something so he says "Cleo you can't be my Queen you're too young and not only that but I am so much older than you are." Cleopatra went from smiling to sad and says "Then why Cleopatra must stay near Issan at all times and why is Cleopatra sleeping with you if Cleopatra is not to be your Queen?" Issan runs his hand through Cleopatra's hair and says "That matter is because I don't think I can trust anyone at your side. I'm afraid that someone will try to hurt you when I'm not around. There is so much about the world that you have to learn before I can leave you alone. As soon as I can trust that you will be okay I need you to stay as close to me as possible I know it sounds unfair but this is the only way I know how to keep you safe."

Issan runs his hand through her hair again and says "We will talk about all this later when you're older so you can understand better but right now you need to go and play and be a kid Cleo. Go play with Melody and be a kid and enjoy yourself." Cleopatra turns around and walks away she didn't walk to Melody she walks out of the room and Issan walks after her. Cleopatra turns around and says "Don't follow me I want to be alone away from you." Cleopatra turns back around and starts walking again. Issan just stood there shocked and nervous not knowing what to do. Then Melody walks past him and says "I will go talk to Cleopatra. Right now she needs a girl to talk to." Melody walks off and Issan just stood there Drenial went walking after Melody and Issan stops him. Drenial looks at Issan and says "Let me go Issan I'm not leaving my daughter alone with that girl." Issan says "Don't worry Cleo won't hurt her you don't have anything to worry about. Besides Cleo is most likely in the room already and not letting Melody in and you say that girl again and see what happens." Drenial scoffs and says "What if she does let her in and are there in the room together alone and she hurts my daughter." Issan starts getting angry and says "There's nothing to worry about the girls will be fine alone." Drenial says "You don't know that. What if Melody says or does something that angers Cleopatra we won't hear anything because they're upstairs and we are down here far away from where we can hear anything going on. You say you don't trust anyone with her I don't trust her with my daughter."

Issan got to his limit and was about to set him on fire when out of the corner of his eye he sees them walk back in the dining hall. Issan starts to smile this freaks out Drenial and he steps back and asks "Why are you smiling like that?" Issan point in the direction of the door and Drenial turns and looks. Both Cleopatra and Melody are standing there holding hands and Issan says "See everything is fine she got Cleo to come back in here." Melody says "I only got her to come back in here so a fight doesn't break out but everyone is to leave us alone." Melody lets go of her hand and wraps her arm around her and points to a far corner and says "Come on let's go over there and talk more." As they were walking by Cleopatra stops and looks at Issan. Melody stops and drops her hand and grabs Cleopatra's hand and asks "Cleopatra are you ok?" Cleopatra start walking towards Issan and then stops. Issan looks upon Cleopatra and starts saying "Cleo" Cleopatra whorls around and says "Issan I'm not talking to you right now." She turns and starts to walk to the corner and Melody steps up and says "Cleopatra needs space but she was worried about a fight breaking out so please just leave her alone or I will take her out in the the hall." Melody turns and starts walking to the corner. Cleopatra gets to the corner and sits down. Melody gets to the corner and sits down next to her.

Issan and Drenial are taken back by this and Issan actually gets sad and Drenial is just in shock. Drenial turns to Issan and asks "Where did you get Cleopatra again?" Issan turns to him and says "The market from Malloy. Why do you ask?" Drenial says "Just wondering. Were there other small children there?" Issan says "Not that I saw. Are you going to keep asking me questions like this without telling me what your trying to get at?" Drenial says "Well I was trying to see if there were more to see if he's been doing something he's not supposed to be doing." Issan asks "Like what? What is it that you think he is doing that he's not supposed to be doing?" Drenial turns and walks to a chair and sits and he looks at Issan and says "Sit I will explain."