Issan walks towards the carriage and says "Can I help you? Why are you here?" the door opens and one of the men step out. Cleopatra not knowing who they are and where there from or not knowing why there here starts to whimper when Issan leaves her site. Issan stops in his tracks not knowing if he should go back to her side or keep walking. Marv, Alex and Celine wait for his next order on what they are to do. Issan stood still as one of the guards and man from the carriage walk toward him and stop it was one of the leaders of the summit says "King Issan why are you out here we were just coming to see you? We heard you finally got a full blooded Brenos but it fell ill as soon as you returned home. We haven't heard anything more so we came to see what was going on if it died or if it was still living." Issan shot an irritated look at him and Marv corrected him and stepped forward and says "We were just out for a morning walk." The summit leader seemed annoyed at the fact that this halfbreed thought he could speak to him and Issan places his right hand on Marv's left shoulder and says "Why don't all of you head back to the castle ahead and get the grand hall ready for them to sit and eat and wait for me to get there. Celine, when you get back to the castle please take the Queen into the dining hall and wait for me there." He looks back at Celine and Cleopatra and says to Cleopatra "Please wait for me patiently I will be back as soon as possible." Issan turns back to the leader and says "Shall we I will walk with you to the castle." Marv, Alex and Celine with Cleopatra head back quickly to the castle. While the guard and one of the summit members notice that Celine was carrying a little girl. The member that noticed Cleopatra was sticking his head out and says "Come King Issan ride back with us and talk before we get there." Issan nods his head and climbs in and sits down.
They reach the castle in a matter of seconds and they start getting everything ready and inform Drenial of what was going on. Meanwhile Issan is with the members of the summit and the one who saw the little girl proceeds to ask "So who was that little girl that half breed was carrying?" Issan became annoyed and tried not to show it or sound it when he answered "Her name is Celine and she is the hand maiden to My Queen and as for the little girl will be introduced to you when we get to the castle and not a moment sooner so you will have to wait I am ready to introduce you to her." The summit member was irritated by this answer but said nothing more Issan smiles at the fact that he was irritated he says "I will say this My Queen will shock you and most likely into an early grave." Issan smiles bigger pleased with himself to irritate them he can't stand them to begin with and now they show up unannounced and think they can bark orders to him in his Kingdom.
They finally reach the castle and the door to the carriage opens as they all get out Issan the last to leave and walk up the stairs to the castle doors. They open as soon as Issan is at the door and it is Marv who greets them. Issan says "Marv will you show them where they will be having there travel meal." Marv bows and says "Right this way Grand King Drenial and Queen Sakara and Prince Bryan are in here as well." Issan looks at him and asks "Where is Melody?" Marv smiles and says "Where do you think she is?" The summit members were irritated with how he talked to his King. Issan just smiles and says "I'm guessing with My Queen." Marv smiles and turns and leads the way to the grand hall. Issan takes off to get to Cleopatra side as fast as he can. The summit member that is stuck on her asks "Who is King Issan's new Queen?" Marv says "New you implying he has an old." and says nothing else knowing if he says anything it will get him punished. As they didn't have long to get to the grand hall Marv pushes the doors open and show them in.
Issan gets to Cleopatra the moment he walks into the dining hall Cleopatra runs to him and he picks her up. Holding each other as tight as they can both of them breathing heavily holding on for dear life. Celine clears her throat to remind them that Melody was in the room and asks "Sir should I bring in food for you" Celine makes eye contact and asks "My Queen Cleopatra would you like me to bring you in a tray of food." Cleopatra shakes her head and Issan smiles and looks at Celine and says "Yes she needs to eat it's well after lunch." Celine bows her head and walks out. Melody was sitting at the table waiting for them to sit then she says "If she doesn't want to eat why make her eat?" Issan says "I don't think that it has anything to do with eating I think it has to do with letting me go." Cleopatra just nuzzled into Issan's neck whimpering. Issan ran his fingers through her hair and hums to her softly. When Celine walks in with the food and set it in front of Cleopatra and Issan. Issan gets Cleopatra to turn around and eat.
When the members of the summit were done eating they get up and start walking around the castle. Sakara asks a maid "Are they still in the dining hall?" The maid says "Yes My Lady. The king and the Queen are almost done eating they will be out with Princess Melody when they are done." Sakara turns towards the dining hall and says "I just asked if they were still in there Thank you." The maid bows and turns and walks off. The members of the summit hear and follow Sakara in the dining hall and Issan was already standing with Cleopatra still in his arms, Melody standing by them and Sakara walks towards them saying "Cleopatra let me hold you for a bit, please. Issan has work he needs to do. Come to in the garden with me and Melody." Sakara goes to reach for Cleopatra and she starts to growl at her and Issan backs up and says "Not now Sakara. My Sweet Cleo doesn't want to leave me and I'm not willing to give her up right now so please just leave her be." Sakara nods and moves away and Cleopatra stops growling. The members of the summit walk toward them the same member who's been asking asks "Did that wild beast growl come from that little girl?" Issan narrows his eyes and Sakara grabs Melody and pulls her out of the room. The members of the summit watch her do so and then realize that the room was getting hot and then fire interrupted around them and Issan says "You get 1" holding up his finger "Warning." the fire turns clear. They call it ghost flames. "Do Not and I repeat DO NOT!! Insult or be aggressive or call" with a gentle voice says "My Sweet Cleo 'THAT GIRL' ever do I make myself clear say YES King Issan if you understand." The members of the summit all say in unison "Yes King Issan." The flames disappear and the room went back to normal. Issan walks out of the room without a word.
The members of the summit follow behind Issan who walks in to the Throne room and sits down as the members of the summit follow in. Issan sits and says "Now that we are all here please one by one and step forward when you introduce yourself and step back when you are done beginning left to right." They look at each other and the same guy says "With all do respect King Issan you know all our names." Issan stiffens and says "Yes but My Queen does not." They start looking around the room trying to find the Queen and Issan says "Why are you looking around for Do. As. You. Are. Told." Celine walks in the room with a drink and walks up to the throne and says "My Lady the drink that you asked for." Cleopatra takes the cup Celine bows and Cleopatra starts to sip on it and the members stand there and the same one steps forward and says "Listen here mut" Cleopatra roars and growls and jerks forward throwing the cup Issan holds her tight and glares at him. Cleopatra says "My Issan made himself clear about how to treat me but you will not miss treat My people I will not stand for it." They all stood there not knowing what to do or say. Drenial walks into the room hearing the commotion and walks up to Issan and Cleopatra and looks at Cleopatra and asks "So did you enjoy your walk with Issan?" Cleopatra smiles and says "Yes we learned alot out there didn't we My Issan." Issan smiles and nods not taking his eyes off the members of the summit. He says "I told you to introduce yourselves to My Queen will you or will you not comply now remember who's Kingdom you are in."
The one on the far left side steps forward he is young has brown hair and is not tall but not short medium build "My name is Kevin." The second one steps forward brown hair with grey markings in it short and tubby "My name is Henry." Third one the oldest of the 4 who also was the one who stepped out of the carriage to greet Issan. Full head of grey hair wrinkles tall but not as tall as Issan and skinny no build at all says "My name is Martin." The forth one who's has also been asking alot of questions and called Celine a Mutt has black hair white strips of hair just a tad taller than Martin has a good build but not as define as Issan pushed his luck and says "My name is Deacon. Now that our names are said who is the queen and the little girl you hold and why do you allow her to talk to us that way." Martin says "Deacon step back and remember what King Issan is known for. 'Lossing his Temper.'" Issan smiles happily that he has made himself a name that people fear says "No those are all good questions and they are all about to be answered and if you would have been patient and waited would have be nice. Now to answer your first questions My Queen is the Grand High Queen of the Brenos race." All 4 of them looking at him in shock with their mouths dropped open. "Now for your second question this little girls name is" Cleopatra chimes in "My name is Cleopatra and that's what you will call me." Issan smiles and grabs her face and pulls it to face him and says all so sweet and gentle to her "No My Darling they will call you Grand High Queen Cleopatra nothing else if they call you anything else they are saying that you are beneath them. You are not and will never be beneath them." Cleopatra looks at him and Issan gets why she is looking at him and says "I will explain later after we find out what they want." Issan kisses for forehead then the tip of her nose then her cheek.
The members of the summit look unknowing what to say and Issan says "Now what do you want, why have you come here? Without invitation disturbing our peace and quit." Martin steps forward and bows his head and says "Forgive the intrusion King Issan we also had no idea the Grand High King Drenial was here with his family. We had heard from Malloy that you finally went to the market and got a Brenos but the Brenos was sick and he sent his Brenos doctor here and she hasn't returned and he hasn't heard from her since she got here. So we were curious on," Issan cuts in "Curious to see whether she's died or not." Martin says "She? Malloy never told us it was a girl. Female wild Brenos Full blooded at that are rare. How did Malloy get his hands on her and why did he not say anything." Anger ran through Issan and fire erupted around him and Cleopatra ran her fingers through his hair and says "There there My Issan all is ok I'm with you now no one will hurt me again." Issan calmed and so did the fire Cleopatra turns to them and says "Please don't talk about Malloy, My Issan is not happy with him. The thing is he did wrong. My mother was in labor with me when they got their hands on her and I was born in captivity but treat me as wild. Till My Issan came a rescued me from dying. You see" Issan cuts in "All they need to know is that Malloy was killing you and I saved you that is all they need to know nothing more." Issan whispers in her ear "We don't know if we can trust them to know the truth not all of it anyway." Issan kisses her on the cheek as she smiles and blushes. Little did Issan know with every passing moment Cleopatra's mind ages by years.
Issan stands from the throne and says "My Sweet Cleo has not had time to play with Melody so if we could pick this up again tomorrow that would be great." Issan starts to walk out of the room and Henry says "King Issan but we are not done talking yet." Issan stops and turns around and crystal blue fire whips and whorls around the room and he says "We are done when I say we are done MY KINGDOM!! MY RULES!!!! If you have an issue with that I can solve that for you by ending your life where you stand." The fire inches closer and Cleopatra runs her fingers through his hair and nuzzles down and bays. Issan quickly calms down. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath in and out and says "You have traveled far just rest and take everything you have learned today and talk amongst yourself. Oh yeah and one more thing because of an issue the other day if you want to send out a message to anyone you have to go through Alex, Marv or Max to send out a message to anyone and they need to read it so no sealing before you send it off. If they feel like it is breaking the rules of any kind they will throw you in the dungeon with the others that are down there as well." Issan turns to leave Marv, Celine follow close behind as they exit the room and start walking down the hall Issan says "Marv tell Alex that I need to speak with him but to come to the garden." Marv bows and walks off without another word.