CHAPTER 11: Room 57

"IT WAS THE WORST IDEA EVERRR," I shouted as the dragon took off and we were in the air.

"WHAT WRONG DID I EVER DO TO YOU???" I shouted out to Valek as the pressure of the air was too much and he couldn't hear me clearly.

"BREATH THE AIR IN LINDA AND FEEL IT," he said while he raised his arms in the sky, enjoying it like a kid enjoys a roller coaster ride. Well, no, roller coaster rides must be fun for me too, I think.

I had so many belly giggles as the dragon flew up and down. The uneven movements made me nauseous. Valek was right. It was like a sea horse ride after all.

"THIS IS OUR PLACE TO LAND, UNCLE," Valek shouted at the top of his lungs.

As soon as he said it, the dragon flew above in the air in a straight position and then all the way down to the ground. I held its neck with all the power I had in me. I screamed out of the fear of falling down. Reality check, I was dead already.

The dragon landed on the ground quite nicely. There was a hospital in front of us. I was shivering to my very core. Valek looked quite happy. He got off the dragon by walking down its wing. My legs were shaking. As I started walking down my foot slipped and I fell down on the ground.

Valek started laughing at me. The dragon transformed itself back to Uncle Valek. He started laughing too. I picked myself up.

"Not a dragon flyer, are you?" Valek said, still laughing crazily.

"Ok, Valek focus," Uncle Bael said to Valek as we started walking towards the door of the hospital.

There was a crowd of people outside the hospital. Some were going in, while others were getting out.

"Is this where we'll find them?" I asked Valek.

My heart was pumping faster than before now. That was it. That was the point my life would change at. But will it be worth it?

"Yes, all 5 of them are in there. Just don't get much choosy and pick one fast because we have to start the spells," Valek said.


We walked in through the door into a large room. There was a counter at the end and rows of seats for people who were waiting. There wasn't much crowd inside.

"Ok, so we need to go to the 6th floor, we'll find 3 girls there. Let's go," Valek said as we walked towards the elevator.

Luckily the elevator had just arrived and there were no people in it. Valek, Uncle Bael and I walked in it. Valek pressed 6 on the board and the doors closed.

We reached floor 6 in about 15 seconds. There was a long hallway with rooms on both sides.

"Find rooms 34, 48 and 57 in ICU wards. Those will be our girls," Valek said to us as we split up to find them.

"Here is room 57!" Uncle Bael said as soon as he reached the first room.

Valek and I walked there. There was a girl of about 20 years age, lying on the bed. She was the most attractive girl I had ever seen. She had dark brown, medium sized hair and was skinny, probably because she was sick. There was a couple standing beside her bed. A doctor was standing there too. He was talking with the couple, but we couldn't hear them.

The couple walked out of the ward. The lady was crying bitterly and the man was trying to relax her.

"Everything will be alright Chris. Lily will be just fine. She is a strong girl," the man said while comforting her.

"But she doesn't have to go through all this Jade. She doesn't have to suffer," Chris replied while crying.

"It's all going to be alright," Jade said while hugging Chris.

I kept looking at the girl on the bed. The doctor walked out of the room as well.

"She is Lily Walker. A cancer patient just like you, but it was diagnosed much later. She didn't have time to get over her illness," Valek told me in a low voice.

"Her name is Walker too?" I asked him.

"Yes. I thought you'd like to keep your surname," he told.

I looked towards Chris and Jade crying and then I looked back at Lily.

"She looks in pain," I said. "I don't have to look at any other girl, Valek. I don't want her parents to suffer the pain of losing her, nor do I want to keep her in pain anymore. Is this right? What I am doing?" I asked Valek.

"Chris and Jade won't lose a daughter and Lily will be set free from her suffering. I assure you that."

"We need to start now," Uncle Bael told Valek.

"Let's go in Linda," Valek asked me.

We all walked into the ICU ward through the door. Lily was on a ventilator. She was taking heavy breaths.

"Let's start we don't have much time," Uncle Bael said.

He swished his finger and four small balls of light emerged out of nowhere in front of me. They all converted into four elements. One got on fire, one converted into a rock, one into a water bubble and the last into a small ball of steam.

"Grab the elemental ball of your choice in both your hands and repeat after me," Uncle Bael said to me while Valek stood there looking at us.

The four balls were floating, in the air, in front of me.

"Fire is vengeance, Air is light, Earth is strong, but Water, its peace." This is the line that first came in my mind when I looked at the balls. It was a line which Linda Walker had written in one of her books.

I grabbed the ball of water in my hands.

"Now repeat after me. Vos elegit meus es tu," uncle said in some other language.

"Vos elegit.." I repeated after him but couldn't understand the rest line.

"meus es tu," he said again much clearly.

"Meus es tu," I repeated.

Just as my sentence was completed the ball of water went right through me and got stuck in my chest. It lightened up a bit and then vanished. It didn't hurt, in fact, it felt like nothing, but I just felt much stronger than before.

"Valek now it's your turn. The spell is nyefee mkpuru obi m n'ime ahu a," Uncle Bael said. I didn't understand the last line, but I think it went like that or something.

"Nyefee mkpuru obi m n'ime ahu a," Valek repeated it calmly.

The girl's breaths got heavier. Her eyes wide opened and she got severe difficulty breathing. The doctor rushed into the room and started checking the girl's heartbeat with his stethoscope. He then checked her vitals.

"Nurse! Nurse! We have an emergency here," he shouted.

That very instant two nurses came in running. The doctor made a fist like thing with both his hands and started putting pressure on her chest, trying to help her neutralize the vitals and her breathing. But it was useless. We all got aside while the doctor kept on putting pressure.

"It's time Linda," Valek said.

"What?" I didn't know what to do.

A few seconds later a light started appearing from the chest of the girl. It seemed like the doctor or the nurses couldn't see it. No moment later there was the same girl's soul sitting in front of us with her body at her backside.

"You are at peace," Valek said to the soul.

"Take care of my parents, make them proud of me," the girl closed her eyes just as she said that to me. She started breaking into pieces of light. She was vanishing.

"No stop it Valek, help her."

I walked ahead to hold the girl, but the pieces slipped through my fingers.

"She is at peace, Linda. No one can stop her. You have to stay strong and go."

He held me by my hand and took me to the front side of the bed. I was crying badly. I couldn't bear seeing a girl die right in front of my eyes. But there was nothing I could do. The girl was at peace and we couldn't have stopped her.

I closed my eyes just as Valek put my hand on the girl's forehead. I don't know what happened, but it happened quickly.

When I opened my eyes, I wasn't standing anymore. I was lying on the bed in place of the girl. I felt dizzy and different at the same time.

I tried raising my heavy hand but, when I saw it, it looked a lot different.

"Lily you are awake," Chris said with a smile as she held my hand and sat beside me, after entering the room.