CHAPTER 22: Imperium

The pages of the book looked as if no one had touched them in centuries. They were totally dry, with no signs of getting wet at all. I picked up the book from the ground. I could swear it had gotten heavier. I was barely holding it straight.

I turned some pages. Circular cyclones spell, Levitation spells, and so on. Every page contained a unique spell and all were related to only water.

"Here show me," Uncle Bael asked me to hand the book over to him.

I did as he said. He handled the book with ease. Valek turned towards him to look at the book with him. I simply stood there watching them study the book. They flipped all the pages once on the right side, then on the left side.

After five minutes I finally spoke up, "Are you done?"

"Yes," Uncle Bael said.

"So what am I going to do right now?" I asked.

"The first step in learning about controlling any element is to make it realize that you are its one and only leader and it is under your command," Uncle Bael told me.