CHAPTER 55: The Army

Uncle Bael and I tried to peak through the gap in the main door to find out what was going on outside and what was taking this long, but they all were standing a bit aside from the visible area. Their voices were too low to be heard by us, but we did our best to listen as closely as possible.

A minute later we lost the sight of all three.

"I think they are gone," Uncle Bael said while still peeping through the gap.

"Gone? Where?" I whispered to him.

"I don't know. I can't see them anywhere," Uncle Bael whispered back.

"You know we have some other matters in hand right now too, which are.., I don't know, maybe slightly a little more important than eavesdropping on Death and his sons," Fred said from behind us.

He looked quite concerned, but yeah, we definitely ignored him hard.

"It's useless, they won't listen to me," Fred became furious and yet disappointed too while telling this to aunt.