Bounty Hunter vs Escort

Del pulled the trigger of his rifle and a 7.92x57mm Mauser bullet flew towards the ambusher. One of the ambushers fell to the ground once the bullet hit his torso, killing him instantly. 7.92 Mauser had ten times the kinetic energy of .45 ACP so it would be no surprise if it was able to kill a target like that with ease.

Del ran back to the carriage to protect Lize from the danger of the ambusher. Cole was still fighting three of them at once.

Lize covered her ears, "Kid, what was that?"

"Magical spell, ma'am, please get down!" Del shouted.

"Adventurer, protect the Madam Lize at all cost!" Robert got off the carriage and he unsheathed his sword.

Del pulled the bolt of his rifle and he fired another bullet, "I know that, why would you need to remind me that?"

Cole kept fighting the last ambusher with his sword. His combat style was rather smart from Del's observation. When his opponent attacked him, he used his explosion spell to distract the enemy while he went for his attack.

"DEL, YOU SHOULD HAVE GIVEN ME A BETTER SWORD!" Cole shouted, but it was faint because of the distance between both of them.

"WHAT?" Del shouted back because he couldn't hear Cole.

Before Cole was able to reply, Del noticed something from behind the carriage. A convoy was heading towards them at a very high speed. The convoy would certainly crash into the carriage if not stopped.

"Robert, look behind!" Del shouted.

Before Robert had the chance to peek, a carriage appeared from the direction of Begard. That carriage was carrying mercenaries, just like the carriages that were coming from the direction of Midham.

"Oh, Shit! Ma'am, we need to get out of here!" Robert opened the door of the carriage and escorted Lize out of the carriage.

Del took a deep breath and he aimed at the horses that pulled the carriage. Theoretically, if one bullet hit the horse, the rest of the carriage wouldn't move. Dell pulled the trigger and it hit right at the head of one of the horses.

The horse fell to the bottom of the carriage and wreck the whole carriage down. It successfully stopped the convoy on its track. However, it didn't mean that the problem stopped. The carriage that came from Begard would crash into Cole if not stopped.

"COLE! WATCH OUT!" Del shouted.

"WHAT?" Cole shouted back.

"LOOK BEHIND!" Del shouted.

The moment Cole looked behind, he jumped from the road to dodge the incoming carriage. The ambusher that he was fighting was whacked by the carriage and died in the process. The carriage stopped and six mercenaries disembarked from the carriage.

Three of them were heavily armored with steel plate armor while the other three were archers. Del wanted to help Cole, but stopping a convoy was more important since it could be carrying more than ten mercenaries.

Del only carried ten bullets and there were only seven bullets left for his rifle and twenty bullets left for his pistol.

Del loaded three bullets with his stripper clip and put the stripper clip back into his pocket. He pulled the trigger of his rifle and he killed another mercenary with a headshot. Del observed his surrounding to determine how much resistance that he would have to face.

He looked at the convoy. Ten mercenaries disembarked from two carriages. It was hard to determine their types. At least, three of them were wearing heavy plate armor. Seven of them were undetermined.

"SHIT!" Del took cover behind Lize's carriage as the archers from Cole's direction shot a barrage of arrows at him.

He needed a plan, fast. Robert was useless since he was running away with Lize and Cole was too busy fighting six people at once. Del wasn't entirely in danger, but he needed to decide with one he should engage first, the convoy from Midham or the carriage from Begard.

Del soon made his choice. He aimed at the heavily armored enemy that was attacking Cole and he pulled the trigger. One bullet penetrated the steel armor, created some sparks, and killing the armored person in the process.

The enemies were stunned once they looked at their friend's head just turned into mashed potato from the energy of the bullet and the fragmentations from his own armor. Cole took the chance to charge towards the archer.

Cole rushed towards the archers. The first archer shot an arrow at Cole who was charging in his direction. Cole broke the bow using his explosion spell and he rushed with his sword. Cole slashed his throat and he jumped towards the second archer and stabbed him in the head.

As a finisher, Cole threw his sword to the last archer and the sword stabbed the archer right on his belly. Cole rushed towards the archer and he snapped the neck of the archer with his own hands. He pulled his sword from the dead body of that archer and faced towards the direction of the stunned armored enemies.

One of the armored enemies slashed his sword at Cole.

Cole parried the attack, "Is that all you can do? What a shame. I'm only a chemical engineering student, you know?"

"DIE YOU DEMON!" The armored enemy wanted to slash his sword to Cole, but Del blew his head first, turning his head into brain juice.

Cole just sighed as he smiled at Del. The last enemy that Cole fought was stunned when he looked at the head of his friend. Del didn't hesitate and he shot his rifle at the stunned enemy. Cole sheathed his sword and he came running towards Del's direction.

Del only had four bullets left inside of his rifle. His pistol was still filled, but shooting someone with a pistol within that range was quite hard. After all, the distance between the stopped convoy and Del was as big as a football field.

"Cole, do you have any plan before the convoy reaches us?" Del asked.

"Well, I can disperse some area of effect large radius fireball at them, but it will take some time," Cole said.

"What? A giant big fireball? Can you even do that?" Del asked.

"Yes, but you need to give me five minutes," Cole said.

"Alright, that's short enough," Del said.

Robert and Lize were nowhere to be seen. They might be hiding behind the bush or something, waiting for Del and Cole to die. After all, there was no chance that an F-rank adventurer would survive an attack from bounty hunters.

Del's plan was quite suicidal. However, if he successfully pulled it off, he would be rewarded with Cole's spell. Del would draw fire from the approaching convoy by firing at the armored enemies. Hopefully, the archers fire their bows in Del's direction instead of Cole.

The risk was big, but the reward was big too. Del began by aiming his rifle at the armored opponent.

A 7.92 Mauser bullet flew in the direction of the heavily armored enemy. The bullet penetrated the armor and turned the enemy's brain into brain juice. Without any hesitation, Del continued by firing his rifle at the remaining two heavily armored opponents.

The ranged units were stunned to see that their protector fell to the ground just from one single attack. Del kept one bullet inside of his rifle in case he needed it for something else. He drew his pistol from its holster and started firing bullets at the ranged units blindly.

Not long after that, a barrage of magical spells and arrows was flying in Del's direction. Del crawled into the ground while kept firing his weapon blindly and the ranged units that he couldn't hit.

Icicles, fireballs, rocks, and arrows were all flying in Del's direction. Some of those arrows missed, but one hit Del in the knee. His adrenaline kept rushing as he kept firing his 1911 at the ranged units.

"COLE! IS IT STILL LONG?" Del asked.

Cole was opening both of his hands and nothing happened, "A little bit more. Keep holding them!"

Del ran out of bullets. He replaced the magazine of his pistol and continued firing. Another arrow landed, this time, it hit his hand. His left hand was now bleeding from the arrow, but it didn't stop Del from shooting at the enemy.


"Alright, [Magical Program: Fiery Inferno Blast Type]."

A giant fireball as big as an elephant appeared on top of Cole's head. Del was speechless when that big fireball appeared out of nowhere. That fireball immediately flew in the direction of the convoy.

The fireball exploded at the convoy. The blast of that fireball threw the enemies away from the carriage. It also burned all of the carriages alongside the horse. Del could feel the fiery heat blast even from a distance as big as a football field.

Del didn't have any comment. He had no idea how Cole became that strong.

"That was some good firework, wasn't it?" Cole said.