Cruise Missile


[Killstreak Menu]

[Tech Level: 7] [Total Balance: 969,870$] 

[Sentry Gun] [5,000$]

[Precision UAV] [20,000$]

[Precision Airstrike] [144:00:00 Cooldown]

[Juggernaut Suit] [60,000$]

[Cluster Strike] [80,000$]

[Cruise Missile] [120,000$]

[Chopper Gunner] [150,000$]

[Escort Helicopter] [180,000$]

[Gunship] [120,000$/Hour]


"Lase it," Del muttered as Anna shined the middle section of the headquarters with her high-powered laser pointer. 

Del pressed the button to order the cruise missile. As the menu opened, he was surprised that there were several options for a cruise missile. He thought that there would only be one type of warhead for the cruise missile, but he was glad that he was wrong about that. 


[Killstreak Menu]

[Tech Level: 7] [Total Balance: 969,870$]