
"You've been busy, I guess?" 

The entire command table was littered with pictures that were interconnected to each other using tape. Those pictures were the pictures taken from the reconnaissance that Del previously did in the slum. The day was getting darker. 

Anna had missed the early party. Walter and Del had surrounded the command table. They were connecting the dots, or rather, they were observing the pictures and saw every single possible opportunity. 

"These are some nice pictures. What did you use to take these? A high-tech camera?" 

"Kinda, anyway, tell me something about these pictures. All of these are the pictures that I took from any building that looked suspicious to me. Anything that caught your attention? Do you think there is something suspicious? Tell me."

"You know what they said Del, if everything looks suspicious, you'll think everyone is a villain. What is the empire doing in here, by the way?" 
