What A Beautiful View!

It was a beautiful day in Boseong County, South Korea.

The delightful spring season was always the best time of the year, with a pleasant temperature. The flowers were in full bloom and green spaces were bathed in the delightful hues of the pink cherry blossom.

The weather at this time of the year was least likely to be inclement, as a result, this perfect time was chosen for the Song-Lee couple's wedding.

The eldest son of the Song family was going to be bethroted to the youngest daughter of the Lee family. It was a day that is finally going to bring joy and glee to the Lee family, which experienced great tragedies in the past one year.

They believed happiness was finally knocking at their door, in form of this wedding.

The big lawn of the Lee's farmhouse in Boseong County, was turned into a beautiful wedding venue.

The entrance of the ceremony was beautifully decorated by a lush floral welcome sign, fancied up with elaborate white and peach flowers that perfectly embedded the peach palette of the wedding theme.

Every guest who was entering the venue, couldn't help but admire the lovely arrangements, done in such a short notice.

The path from the entrance to the main altar was beautified with oversized floral vases placed at a perfect distance from one another, serving as a gorgeous accent to the venue.

Every tree in the lawn was beautifully decorated with strings of flowers wrapped around, strewing all over it.

The aisle was decorated with flower petals covering the whole path.

The aisle ended at a small white-coloured structure, where the celebrant would be uniting the bride and the groom in the holy matrimony.

Individual chairs as well as ceremony benches were placed in front of the aisle on the either side of the path for the guests. Every chair and bench were decorated by pretty netted clothes giving them a royal feeling.

The guests were not surprised at the extravagant setting. After all it was the reunion of the two richest families in Seoul, the Songs and the Lees.

The two eldest old men of the respective families were the happiest as their grandchildren would be united in this wedlock today.

Old man Lee, was very emotional. After losing his elder son and daughter-in-law ten months ago in a car accident he thought life couldn't be any worse.

But who can predict life?

It proved him wrong by tragically taking away his eldest granddaughter, in another car accident four months ago.

Cloud of gloominess shadowed the Lee family until his youngest granddaughter expressed her wish to marry Song Ji Hun, his best friend's eldest grandson.

After some persuasion from the elders, Song Ji Hun agreed to this wedding.

Old man Lee and old man Song were sitting together on the wooden bench together, delighted with the current turn of events.

The celebrant was waiting at the altar for the bride and the groom, when a tall, young and strikingly handsome man dressed in a black tuxedo stepped towards the altar.

Even on his wedding day, he carried a cold and callous look on his face, which could make one shiver in fear.

He stood near the altar with a stony face, checking the time on his watch, hoping for his bride to arrive soon.

Just at the right time, the beautiful bride appeared at the aisle, her arm was wrapped around her elder cousin's arm.

He was the one walking her down the aisle.

Holding a bridal bouquet in her other hand, she walked towards the groom with a wide smile painted on her lips.

Wearing the white Ball Gown, with a fitted bodice and a wide full skirt, which glided over her lower torso, she looked like a fairy out of a folktale. The perfect wedding dress, highlighted her perfect curves making her look like the most beautiful bride one has ever seen till date.

Every guest kept looking at the bride in awe, mesmerized by her beauty. Her long hair perfectly clipped in a bun with few lose strands falling on her face, added to her charm. No one could take their eyes off this radiant bride.

After reaching the altar, Lee Aera stood in front of her future husband, Song Ji Hun, with a bright smile on her face as her life-long dream was finally going to be fulfilled.

It was now just a matter of few minutes.

There was no reaction from Song Ji Hun, when he looked at Lee Aera.

One couldn't predict he was happy or sad but she was not offended.

Aera knew him from their childhood and was accustomed to his coldness.

The two beautiful people standing at the altar with the celebrant painted a delightful view.

The celebrant looked at the bride and the groom, before commencing the official wedding ceremony, "We are all gathered here today to witness the marriage of Song Ji Hun and Lee Aera. I am duly authorized by law to solemnize marriages according to law of…"


The sound of a champagne glass being clinked echoed all over the place.

This clink sound was then followed by a magnificent, beautiful voice of a woman, who suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Wow, what a beautiful view!" She loudly exclaimed after ensuring all eyes were on her.

The beautiful bouquet fell down from Aera's hand, when she looked at the woman, who was standing opposite her on the other end of the altar.

Her hands were shivering in fear, which she tried to hide by pressing them together.

Aera couldn't believe the woman she thought was dead, is standing right in front of her.

'This is a dream, this is definitely a dream, she can't be alive. How can she be alive? This can't be possible. This is definitely not possible. This is a dream. Yes, yes this is a dream. Aera, come on quickly open your eyes and come out of this dream. Come on Aera.' The bride kept telling herself but it was no dream to come out of.

Aera suddenly took a step back only to almost lose her balance when she saw her dead sister was walking towards her.