
That's why the first time Ian confessed his feelings, she rejected him. She doesn't see herself being involved in romantic relationships.

Any man, who likes Kiaraa is avoided by her and she prefers staying away from such men.

Ian therefore had to put a lot of efforts to assure her he is over his feelings and moved on as he didn't wish to lose his friendship with Kiaraa.

Only then did Kiaraa let him be near her and their friendship didn't fall apart.

"Hmm, sorry" Ian apologized to her.

"It's okay but I must say one thing"


"Your taste in women sucks" Kiaraa and Ian laughed together at what she said.

Seeing them laugh, Song Ji Hun was pissed and headed back to the room, as he was not able to take this anymore but neither could he stop them from spending any time.

He was helpless.

Kiaraa then informed Ian of how her grandpa was about to transfer the company to her and at the final moment Aera played her cards.

"It seems the little rabbit is learning how to play games" Ian commented.

"Hmm, I really want to crush this little rabbit and separate her head from its body"

"Kiaraa" Ian scolded her, "Don't you ever dare think of murdering her. You are not a criminal, Kiaraa"

"Chill! If I wanted to kill her, I would have done it long ago. I am going to torture her in my own ways"

"Stop it K, we are not sure if Aera is actually behind your parents' death. You are not torturing the other four yet, so give her some slack"

"I am going to torture other four too. For now, it is her turn as she wanted to marry my husband, how dare she. I have to make her pay for it, Ian."

Ian helplessly shook her head seeing how possessive Kiaraa was of a man she is not even in love with. He wondered what would happen to the man, she would actually fall for.

Then Ian and Kiaraa once again discussed the lie she would share with her whole family about the last four months.

"They might not get convinced of your story but don't forget we have enough proof to back it up"

"Got it, did you find dirt on Choi Hyuk?" Kiaraa then asked him.

"Hmm, I did. When would you want all that information?" Ian asked her.

"How about we serve Choi Hyuk's drama tonight for dinner?" Kiaraa smirked at him.

"It is going to be cruel, Kiaraa. He will be destroyed."

"That's the plan" Kiaraa was happy.

After talking to Ian, Kiaraa called everyone to the living room.

She informed them that she was now ready to share the story behind her disappearance.

Ian and Kiaraa, both didn't expect Ian would be present here while she would share the truth with everyone.

They were relieved as he would be able to indirectly handle the situation if any problem arises.

The Song and The Lee family were seated in the living room.

Song Ji Hun was curious to know what story she would be coming up with.

Kiaraa started explaining what happened in the last four months.

"Four months ago, after my accident, I fell in the river and lost my consciousness. I think some nearby fishermen in some small town found me but I fell in the state of coma for the last four months."

"I woke up ten days ago. It took me some time to recover my energy and organize my thoughts. My mind was all dizzy as if I lost some memories."

"But then in the local news I saw the announcement of Ji Hun and Aera's wedding. That's when I recollected everything"

"Last night; I was able to find out where this wedding is taking place. So, using whatever resources I had, I reached here on time to stop the wedding"

Kiaraa completed her story.

'Which drama did she watch to steal this story from?' Aera sarcastically thought.

'What a liar! She seriously thinks we will believe this lame story?' Ji Seo Yun, Song Ji Hun's mother thought.

'I hope they have enough proofs to back-up this lie' Song Ji Hun hoped.

'My poor child, suffered so much' Grandpa Lee felt sad.

Others didn't have much thoughts.

"Kiaraa, we searched all the nearby local villages after your accident hoping to find you but we were not able to" Ian voiced the doubt that was on everyone's mind.