False Theory

"What? Am I so pretty that you can't take your eyes off me?" Kiaraa sarcastically asked him.

"I have seen prettier women than you and never glared at them" Came his taunting reply implying she is not that pretty.

"If you keep glaring at every woman you find pretty, you will be called a creep." Kiaraa was unaffected by the underlying meaning of his words. 

Song Ji Hun seriously stepped towards her, "Even when I am being a decent person, I am anyway called names, so how is this any different?" he coldly asked.

Kiaraa could see, he was still upset about the discussion they had earlier.

'Why is he acting all righteous and why does he look like I wronged him?' she wondered.

"Decent person? Are you sure about it?" Kiaraa's question was dripping with sarcasm.

"Recollect me one incident where I have been indecent with you" Song Ji Hun's tone sounded challenging.

It took Kiaraa a while and a bit of brain scratching before answering him, "Today morning, when you kissed me against my will"

Song Ji Hun chuckled as she couldn't find one indecent moment from the first five months of their marriage.

"Firstly, I didn't kiss you, I bit you there is a difference."

"Still, it was indecent"

"I apologize for it, I got excited to see my wife alive but when she kept calling me second-hand, I just wanted to punish her"

"Excited or disappointed?" Kiaraa couldn't believe he was excited as he agreed to marry her sister within four months of her death.

"Why will I be disappointed?" Song Ji Hun raised his eyebrows.

Kiaraa was again speechless as she was trying to find some solid reason to throw at his face.

"I need to figure that out" Kiaraa replied after some brainstorming.

"So, your accusation is only based on your own judgement and not on facts?" Song Ji Hun's question turned her speechless.

"You know what your problem is, Kiaraa?" He again asked and she kept looking at him waiting for him to speak.

"You believe what you see and you draw conclusions from everything that is laid in front of your eyes. You never try to look for the hidden intentions. You decide everything by yourself and you believe that"

Song Ji Hun's words turned her speechless. 

It made her think deeper about something and suddenly a realization stuck her. If what he said is right then she had definitely committed a huge blunder. 

'Oh no, Aera was on my suspect list because of a judgement I made, it was not based on a fact. Shit, does that mean, Aera has got nothing to do with…' Kiaraa's thoughts were processing in a direction she never thought they would.

"I'll talk to you later" Kiaraa left from there to find Ian.

Song Ji Hun smirked to himself, 'My wife is still a rookie'

Kiaraa went to the lawn to talk to Ian, who was still on a call. He was preparing for their big plan to expose Choi Hyuk.

"Ian" Kiaraa rushed towards him calling his name.

Ian unhurriedly cut the call, "Yeah?"

"In that file, was Aera's name anywhere mentioned?" Kiaraa asked him directly coming on the point.

"Well…" Ian tried to recollect if Aera's name was mentioned in it or not.

Kiaraa waited for his response, her heart was pounding faster in anticipation.

"Actually, we suspected Aera based on the fact that she sold some of your parents' secrets to other people, and you felt she was indirectly involved…"

"SHIT!!!" Kiaraa covered her mouth in shock, "I was so angry, I didn't even think it through, before accusing Aera" 

Kiaraa just realized her theory of Aera being one of the suspects in their parents' murder might be completely false.

"Oh no, does that mean, Aera might not be a suspect at all?" Ian understood what is going on and he asked her for confirmation.

"Yeah, highly possible" Kiaraa agreed and deeply sighed, "If that is indeed the case, then no one would be happier than me" she added.

"You don't like Aera at all" Ian reminded her.

"Hmm, but mom and dad loved her a lot. It would hurt them if she is the one behind their deaths"

Ian smiled seeing how relieved Kiaraa was and pulled her for a hug.