[Bonus chapter]Scandal

On reaching the living room, she came across the two grandpas, who seem to have just arrived from somewhere.

"Hi grandpas" Kiaraa cheerfully greeted them.

"Hello dear"

"It feels so good to have you greeting me like this. Reminds me of old times." Grandpa Lee got emotional as he still couldn't believe Kiaraa is indeed alive.

'Old man keeps saying one thing and does the other' Kiaraa hatefully thought as she didn't forgive her grandpa for giving away the position, she eyed to Aera.

"Haha true, grandpa" Kiaraa sweetly smiled.

"What happened to your hand?" Grandpa Song worriedly asked seeing the ointment spread across it.

"She was careless and hurt herself" Song Ji Hun, answered his grandpa on her behalf.

"Be careful, dear" Grandpa Lee stroked her head.

Kiaraa politely smiled at him.

They four people went and sat around the dinner table after the butler informed them that the food is ready.

One by one all the family members joined them except for Song Ji Hun's parents, who stayed in the room.

Since the moment Kiaraa accused her mother-in-law of trying to kill her, Ji Seo Yun panicked as she was the one, who gave Aera the money to do this task.

If Kiaraa shares all the proof she claims she has with their families, Ji Seo Yun's reputation will be ruined and she might even end up going to jail.

Ji Seo Yun, was in her room, wondering how to handle this situation.

Here, at the dining table, everyone was immersed in casual small talk when suddenly one after another their phones started ringing, startling them.

"What is happening?" Lee Man Sik muttered as he got a call from the head of the PR department.

Except for Kiaraa, everybody received call from their closest associates.

"What?" Grandpa Lee shouted in shock after receiving his call and asked the butler to turn on the TV and switch to any news channel.

Within minutes, there was chaos in the home and once the television was turned on, everyone turned silent as their attention shifted there and subconsciously some of them stood up from their seats.

Kiaraa looked at Ian, who smiled back at her as their plan was now set in motion.

She was glad Ian didn't take that slap to his heart and was back to being normal.

On the television, a reporter was showing an old warehouse in the background and reported, "This is where the innocent girls are kidnapped and kept before being smuggled to other countries. The names of the big people involved in this scandal has shaken South Korea."

She then started listing the names of the people involved in smuggling young women and when Choi Hyuk's name was mentioned, grandpa Lee lost his balance.

Song Ji Hun immediately stepped forward and supported grandpa. He made him sit on the chair and gave him some water.

Grandpa Lee raised his hand and didn't accept the water, he looked around but Choi Hyuk was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is that bastard?" He shouted scaring everyone present there.

"Grandpa, please calm down." Kiaraa rubbed his arm.

Seeing Kiaraa, he indeed calmed down a bit but his anger was still not gone.

"Where is your son?" Grandpa Lee asked his daughter, who was crying uncontrollably after seeing this news.

"Dad… I think… there is some… misunderstanding" Lee Min Seo spoke between her sobs, who was being consoled by Aera.

"I'll check" Ian volunteered and went out, only to see Choi Hyuk shouting at someone on the phone.

"Grandpa is calling you" Ian informed him.

"Get lost" Choi Hyuk rudely shouted at Ian.

"Elder brother, grandpa is very angry, please step inside" Lee Gun, who followed Ian warned Choi Hyuk.

"You will tell me what I should do and what I should not?" Choi Hyuk didn't listen to his cousin either and was planning to leave when Ian held his shoulder.

"No point in running away, Mr Choi" 

"Are you dissatisfied after getting slapped by my sister? You want to feel my hand too on your cheek?" Choi Hyuk smirked at Ian, who was gritting his teeth to control the rage building inside him.

Earlier, Choi Hyuk too witnessed Kiaraa slap Ian from his room gallery.

"You disgusting man" Grandpa Lee himself stepped out holding a belt and suddenly hit Choi Hyuk with it.