
Kiaraa headed to meet the counsellor. 

The school counsellor was a middle-aged woman, who gave out strong intellectual vibes. She was sitting in her office, accompanied by the teacher, who was in-charge of the school annual play.

"Were you looking for me?" Kiaraa asked after seeking permission to enter the room.

"Great you are here please, have a seat" The counsellor lovingly smiled at Kiaraa and pointed at a chair across her.

Kiaraa sat next to her teacher and looked at the counsellor waiting for her to speak up.

Counsellor and the teacher looked at each other meaningfully. Counsellor nodded her head slightly and smiled at Kiaraa.

"Dear, I got to know you are acting in the school's upcoming annual play"


"You were offered the role of Cinderella but you requested to play the role of evil sister instead, is that true?" The counsellor sounded very friendly while asking the question.

"Yeah, it is true" Kiaraa accepted.