Changing Surname

Grandpa Lee was scolding his daughter, Lee Min Seo.

"Choi Chan Woo had been calling you and he even agreed to compromise to save your marriage and yet you are giving him a hard time. Go back to your husband."

"But dad I don't want to go back to him" Lee Min Seo argued back.

"At least think about your son. Doesn't he deserve to get his father's love?" Grandpa Lee looked furious.

"Dad, stop using Choi Hyuk to make your point. Once in a week he gets to meet his father and that's enough. The truth is after my marriage you just don't consider me as your daughter and you only love your sons, therefore you wish for me to leave." Lee Min Seo looked very upset, almost on the verge of crying.

"Nonsense. It was you who ran away from home and married that guy against my wish and now, you again ran away from there too because of some silly argument"

"Dad, it was not some silly argument, he…"