Let’s Talk About What Happened

"It is for sure that the clue is in this garden but the fragrance of the noon is still a puzzle" Song Ji Hun tried his best to focus on this puzzle.

'How can he act like nothing happened between us?' Kiaraa wondered glaring at Song Ji Hun, 'Although nothing happened but that kiss would have happened if Ian didn't interrupt us. Am I the only one overthinking? Did he just randomly try to kiss me? Ahhh, how could I let this guy take advantage of the situation? What was wrong with me?'

Kiaraa's state of mind changed from confusion to annoyance to anger.

After not getting a response from Kiaraa, Song Ji Hun himself stepped towards the garden area where different kinds of flowers were blooming.

"Fragrance can only come from flowers" he stated, loud enough for Kiaraa to hear but she didn't react.

Right now, her mind was a mess and unlike Song Ji Hun, she couldn't pretend well.

Song Ji Hun observed the flowers in the garden.