
"I am really sorry aunt Seo Yun, a fashion competition is coming up soon and it is keeping me very busy" He apologetically smiled at his aunt.

"Your fashion competitions always come, please prioritize your family over work. After marriage too if you will behave like this then your wife will run away."

"That's why I decided I will never get married only. Problem solved" Alex Kwon joked only to get glared at by his aunt.

Ji Seo Yun was about to hit her nephew when her husband stopped her, "What are you doing he is older now, not that kid Alex anymore, whose ears you used to twist"

"Thank you, uncle" Alex smiled looking at his saviour.

"He is not any older, for me he will always be my first child, the one I took care of like a mother, when his mom was busy with work" Ji Seo Yun pulled Alex's cheeks.