Discussion on Future

Next day, Ian kept insisting Song Ji Hwan to have a word with Kiaraa and to find out about what she feels towards him.

Feeling bad for Ian's desperate state, Hwan agreed to talk to her on that same day itself.

Kiaraa and Song Ji Hwan made plans to go to a new café that was opened in the city. 

"It is sometimes so nice to just hang out by ourselves, right?" Song Ji Hwan asked Kiaraa after they settled at a corner table.

"Hmm, but I don't understand why would you not go out on a date with your girlfriend and ask me out instead?" Kiaraa doubtfully asked him while checking the menu.

Hwan awkwardly laughed, "Girlfriends come and go, friends are to stay forever"

"Cut that bullshit and come on point" Kiaraa's attention was still in the menu.

"As you know, next week I am starting my internship at the Kim's entertainment company"

"Hmm, I know"