Propose To Her

When Aera opened her eyes, the view of a shocked Sa Da Hye and a smiling Song Ji Hwan came in front of her.

She didn't understand why her aunt looked so surprised and why Hwan was so happy.

"Can I go back to play?" Aera calmly asked them.

"Yeah, go. Thank you so much, Aera. Now you only owe me Two Hundred and thirty-three favours, remember that" Song Ji Hwan reiterated.

Nodding her head, Aera happily left, glad that she completed at least one favour she owed Song Ji Hwan.

After Aera left, Hwan turned to Sa Da Hye, who was still in a daze after listening to that song.

"So, what do you think now?" Song Ji Hwan confidently smiled at her.

"How did we never know Aera had this kind of beautiful voice?" Sa Da Hye commented.

"We never bother ourselves with her" Song Ji Hwan spoke the harsh truth.

"True" Sa Da Hye agreed with him.

"So, aunt Da Hye, should we sign Aera?" Song Ji Hwan asked her.