Keep You Here Forever

"How hungry are you?" Song Ji Hun worriedly asked her.

"Not much, I can manage" Kiaraa said and the next moment her stomach groaned, embarrassing her.

"Wait" Song Ji Hun headed inside his bedroom and locked the main door, then he stepped towards a small mini-refrigerator kept at one corner of his room.

He took out a juice can and handed it to Kiaraa, "Have this for now, I'll be back soon and will get you some food" he assured her.

"When you will head downstairs can you share the menu with me?" Kiaraa asked him turning Song Ji Hun speechless and the next minute she hesitatingly added, "Only if it is convenient"

'This girl is truly foodie' Song Ji Hun thought to himself and for the first time these two people exchanged each other's phone numbers.

He headed downstairs and joined his family at the dining table.

Song Ji Hun and Song Ji Hwan were sitting next to each other opposite their parents.