[Bonus chapter] Considering What You Suggested

Lee Myung Soo laughed when he understood what was bothering his daughter.

"Why are you laughing?" Kiaraa looked annoyed.

"When you know you are doing something wrong, then why do it?" Lee Myung Soo was still smiling.

"Because I want it. I want to top in my class. I am not cheating in the exam; I am just over-studying. I do feel bad for my friends but when one wants to go ahead in life, they can't bother with such emotions" Kiaraa explained her point of view.

"Then there is nothing wrong with what you are doing" Lee Myung Soo assured his daughter surprising her.

"Why are you so shocked?"

"I didn't expect father too would talk like me" Kiaraa said.

"I am not talking like you but rather you are the one who is acting like me" Lee Myung Soo brightly smiled and there was a tinge of pride in his voice.

"Did father too do anything like this?" Kiaraa curiously asked him.