
After Song Ji Hun was done with his college the next day, he came out to the area where the cars are parked.

There he saw his dad's car and he wasn't surprised as it was already planned. Therefore, Song Ji Hun didn't come to college in his own car, he came with the driver in the morning.

"Hey dad" He greeted his father and sat next to him on the co-passenger seat.

"Hello. How was your day?" Song Jae Ho started driving, heading to their destination.

"Usual" Ji Hun answered and asked his father, "It has been years since I saw you drive"

Song Jae Ho smiled, "Hmm, as I am always busy, I prefer having drivers"

"Then what is so special about today that you decided to take over the wheel?" 

"You will know soon" His father replied.

"If you want, I can drive us" Song Ji Hun offered.