Moving On

Jeong took a deep breath before continuing, "Dear, there are some problems in the company…"

"Yeah, the share price is unstable…" Kiaraa was about to speak but Jeong interrupted her.

"It is more than that. Lee Min Seo and Lee Man Sik are filling their pockets with the company funds and they are doing it so perfectly, there is no evidence against them." Jeong worriedly told her.

"How much of the company funds did they mess with?" Kiaraa calmly asked, trying to control the rage building inside her.

"A lot, we will be in a huge mess soon. The salaries that need to be credited and the money we need to fulfil a few contracts is going to take us down." Jeong was slightly sweating.

"Why did you not tell us this earlier?" Kiaraa questioned him.

"You were mourning your parents' death and I with a few others tried to handle this situation by ourselves but we couldn't. So, I finally had to call you out"