I Want You, Kiaraa

Next day as decided Song Ji Hun and Kiaraa met at a seven-star hotel for lunch.

Kiaraa booked a private dining room as she wished for a complete confidential environment.

Song Ji Hun was surprised seeing Kiaraa booking a private dining room and understood the matter she wished to discuss is serious.

"Thank you so much for taking out time from your busy schedule at such a short notice" Kiaraa politely bowed to Song Ji Hun as soon as he entered the room.

"Don't be so formal. This is the least I could do for you for what all you went through in the last few days" Song Ji Hun politely replied, sitting across from her.

"Thank you for understanding" Kiaraa tried to be as polite as possible.

"Tell me what can I do for you?" Song Ji Hun directly came on point.

"So, you knew I needed something from you? I am so selfish, right? For approaching you only when I need something"