Sealing The Deal

"Fine, for this condition, I am ready to compromise but this won't happen with my next conditions" Kiaraa firmly stated.

"It depends on what your next conditions are" Song Ji Hun too was firm on his stand.

Kiaraa understood this time he is not going to be as easy as he was all these years.

"Our families should not and need not know this is a marriage of convenience. I don't want my grandpa to feel guilty seeing me marry you for the company" Kiaraa put a reasonable condition forward.

"So, should we say we have always been in love with each other and therefore got married?" Song Ji Hun too liked the idea of hiding the true reason behind their marriage.

He didn't wish for Ian to know Kiaraa married him for her benefits.

Although, in his whole life he didn't interact much with Ian, a part of him always loathed that guy as he was sure, Ian was irreplaceable in Kiaraa's life and Song Ji Hun can never take his place.