Chapter 5: After.

The apartment was pitch-black as I entered it, letting out a long sigh. It felt empty within, due to my friends not being there. They really knew how to lighten up the mood.

How had a man managed to ruin my mood so easily? I don't normally take things to heart like I had with him. His gaze was just full of spite, without reason.

Having turned the lights on, and moving towards the fridge, I scavenged through it. There was... absolutely nothing that was worthy of use inside.

Great. Food shopping.

Approaching the small shop, I entered it and immediately looked for pasta. I felt like spaghetti bolognese today, simple yet delicious.

"Ah, here it is." I mumbled to myself, after I'd found it.

The automatic door opened, and I heard some ruckus at the counter.

"Open the goddamned safe, bitch." A man shouted, presumably holding a gun. I found myself sneaking around the aisles to get closer, eyeing the two thieves. Of course, the clerk immediately complied, shakily, placing bills on the counter.

My blood boiled, and I felt an excruciating pain in my canines which caused me to yell- and then howl-?!

Those at the counter quickly looked towards me, holding the gun up.

"Don't move!" One of the men shouted, slowly moving towards me. I felt fear lace my blood, before I ran forwards and tackled the man to the floor before he could shoot. My newly-formed claws went directly through his head, blood splattering across the shiny floor. The other man looked shaken, turning and running away. The clerk, however, had pressed an alarm under the counter, which alerted the police of the thieves... meaning... they-

Sirens filled my ears, causing me to double over in pain. My senses had amplified, and the high-pitched noises pierced through my head.

I had to get out of there.

I found myself running away from the shop with haste, fear and rage, combined together. This - whatever this is - had never happened to me before, and it petrified me. It's like I was turning into a dog.

My spine abruptly arched, causing me to let out a loud growl, and fall onto all-fours. The clothes upon me shredded, as I became larger and a tail extended from my spine. I found myself howling in the centre of the street. The street full of people. Terrified people.

I instinctively bared my long, sharp teeth at them, before I ran towards the remote forest that I had found my sister lying dead in. It somehow offered me comfort, and a hiding place from this disaster.

My newly-formed paws plodded through the forest rapidly, before I came to a standstill in a secluded area that I had found. It would certainly be safe there.


A large, black wolf appeared in front of me, contrasting my white fur. His icy-blue eyes were the first thing I noticed, causing me to retract, taking a few steps back. Their scent was definitely familiar, like he was-

The wolf growled at me, as if it were a warning, for me to stand down, which I was not about to do. Even if this was new to me, I wasn't to be dominated again today by the same male.

I bared my teeth at him, my vibrant amber eyes glaring into his. Neither of us wanted to step down, so we ended up circling each other.

We both soon stopped, after hearing something... smelling something...

A dog.

Specifically, one with the police.

We were being hunted. Or at least... I was.

I turned around and bolted for my life, my tail flailing about behind me, as I was unsure as to how one could control it.

This was the worst fear I had ever felt.

I didn't want to go to jail, or worse, be killed.

Oh, God... I was a murderer... I killed that man...

I then heard footsteps trailing closely behind me.

The other wolf was following.