Halloween Resurgence

Chapter one: resurgence

It begins to show kids running around the neighborhood in Woodbury Minnesota 2 days before Halloween. some kids are already in the Halloween spirit running around in costumes….it then shows Woodbury university where Blake Myers attends. He was packing his stuff in his dorm room when his girlfriend Sophia Anderson walked in and hugged him and a kiss "are you all packed up!" She asked. "Yeah just about" he responded as she added "okay I'll meet you downstairs she added as she and blake started kissing. As she was on her way out she stumbled into Blake's best friend mike who both played sports together side by side for the Woodbury wolverines. "Oops hi mike," she said hesitantly "what's up Sophia is Blake in there?" He asked. "Yeah I'll see you all outside" she replied as mike looked at her from the back then walts his way into Blake's dorm "what's up bro all packed and ready to go?" Mike asked. "Yeah just about but we have a problem.....you see my mom is on her way to Paris for a fashion show and my dad is going meet with a CEO in Colorado and he said I can't stay at the house our time off because he knew you would come and throw a big party so he gave us the other house he brought years back before we moved down here in...in…..Haddonfield Illinois" Blake muttered. "It's a 9-hour drive" he added. " you gotta be shitting me Blake do you think I'm going to Haddonfield where that fucking psycho maniac killer is!" Mike exclaimed. "Dude what the fuck are you talking about?" Blake asked. " your fucking psycho cousin Michael fucking Myers!" Mike pointed out. "Dude c'mon it's been years since anyone mentioned that. Michael Myers is dead…relax mike" Blake assured. "Like hell, this guy killed almost all your relatives in Haddonfield. Jamie, Judith, and lourie strode and if you go Blake you're next" mike proclaimed. "You're fucking delusional dude are you coming with us are not," Blake asked. "Who is us?" Mike asked. " um myself and Sophia, Brent and Isabella, your girlfriend Samantha and Jenna and billy" Blake added. "Why is billy the dweeb coming?" Mike asked. "Because Brent's his buddy and is dating Isabella's BFF Jenna so" Blake replied."fuck well if I come I'm bringing my dad's gun" mike proclaimed. "Dude what the fuck; Michael Myers is dead" Blake retorted. "Yeah…..that's what they all say" mike murmured. "Anywho we're all going to walk to the diner, Brent is using his dad's van and we are going to meet him and the others there" Blake suggested as they left to meet Samantha and Sophia outside of the university.

Minutes later.....

They all made it to the diner where Brent and the others were eating pizza. "Happy Halloween!" Samantha shouted as they walked up to the table where Brent was. Sophia then took a bite of Brent's pizza as the jukebox played monster mash as Samantha and Isabella started dancing together in the diner as Brent was introduced to mike by Blake and also Blake introduced billy to mike as mike shook his hand but didn't want to "so are we going to your place Blake?" Brent asked. "No, we're going to Haddonfield" Blake replied. "Sweet" Brent said as he looked at his girlfriend and Samantha dancing when Jenna got up to join them as Blake grabbed a piece of pizza when billy put about 10 bucks on the table to tip the waitress. As the guys got up and walked an put their arms around their girls and loaded the van. "Dude I'll drive" mike proclaimed as Brent tossed him the car keys "alright let's hit the road," Mike said as everyone got into the van and on the way, Brent smacked Isabella's ass as she screamed with excitement while entering the van. Mike then pulled off and hit the road as it goes into birds-eye view showing them leaving Minnesota.

Back in Haddonfield...

It shows Michael Myers killing an old couple sitting on the couch. He then heads toward the house where Blake will be staying…..

Seconds later...

Michael is inside the house and the answering machine plays when Michael hits the button "Blake…..Blake, I know you are not there but when you get this message do not trash the house me and your mother will be gone for two weeks and I want you to stay put here in Haddonfield and no funny business Mr. And I hope you locked the place up in Minnesota anyway I'll talk to you soon. The answering machine then ended as you hear the eerie breathing of Michael Myers. He then grabs the knife and started roaming the house.

Back to Blake and the others hours later…..

"Mike was driving while Samantha was on the passenger side turning it to the radio station playing Halloween songs. Blake and Sophia were making out while Brent and Isabella were cuddling on the bean bag seat smiling at each other and Jenna was doing her makeup while billy was playing his game on his phone. "Hey we are almost out of gas I'm gonna stop at this gas station" mike yelled as he pulled up at the gas pump then stopping the van as everyone got out. They all entered the station browsing around as they started gathering food, etc. mike then went to go pump the gas as the radio station was on in the store as it goes back to mike pumping gas he then looks down the road and saw someone staring at him in the distance..." what the fuck" he said as the gas nozzle clicked an he turned towards it to finish up he then turns back to see the man who was staring at him seconds ago to see no one over there...he was gone.

Back inside…..

"Local authorities are looking for whoever killed this lovely elder couple hours ago…..no leads yet but we will keep you updated," the news anchor said as the music started to play on the radio again. Mike then walked in are y'all ready?" He asked as they were already on their way out of the store as the store clerk looked on…..They all then entered the van with their snacks, etc. and they began to take off.

9 hours and 16 minutes later they arrived in Haddonfield to the house Blake's dad brought years back; they left at 10 and arrived at 6

"Well, guys we made it" mike hesitantly pointed out as Jenna had awakened laying on Billy's chest. They all got out of the van Not knowing Michael Myers was looking at them through the blinds when Sophia looked up to her dismay and sees no one in the window "Sophia….Sophia c'mon" Blake called out as she kept her eyes in the window then going inside. "Well, guys this is it" Blake called out. "Luckily there are three bedrooms upstairs each room for each couple and of course me an Sophia get the master bedroom" he added as everyone went to their rooms to unpack.

Later on in Brent and Isabella's room

"Baby relax what are you afraid of?" Brent asked with concern. "Ummm nothing...…isn't this the house?" Isabella recalled. "I'm not understanding" Brent replied while hugging Isabella from behind. "You know the Myers place where he killed his family....what if he comes back," she said with such fear in her voice. " babe relax Michael Myers is dead, plus you got me to protect you" Brent affirmed. "Good…now if you don't mind I need to go an shower" she added. As it goes downstairs to show Jenna preparing supper (mashed potatoes and meatloaf) as it goes into chapter two....

Chapter two: sleepless night

Everyone was sitting in the living room while Jenna and Sophia were in the kitchen preparing supper. Isabella was finishing up with her shower when she stepped out wrapped a towel around her body looked in the mirror humming her favorite tune while brushing her hair when she noticed a man staring at her in the window downstairs outside

She then screamed so loud that it echoed throughout the house when she looked back out and saw no one there. Brent burst through the door with everyone else behind him. Isabella then ran and hugged Brent super tight "what happened?" Brent asked. "A...a….man was outside staring at me " she explained with a sorrowful voice still shaken up by what just transpired. Brent then looked down out of the window and saw no one as he mike and Blake ran downstairs to go and check while mike equipped his dad's gun. They all went to the spot where it supposedly happened, mike had the gun aimed looking with anticipation "see I told you, Blake, you never know when your gonna need this shit" mike said. "Whoever he is if he comes back I will fucking end him" Brent proclaimed.


"I can't believe it's been years since it happened," one of the officers said, " do you think he's back?" He added. " no Michael Myers is dead rick" the other guy responded "well they broke in this store to steal a knife," rick said with confusion. "Damn tricker treaters" the other added.

It was 11:43 p.m

Everyone had finished the meal while watching television, it was a nightmare on elm street marathon. almost everyone had dozed off except for billy and Samantha who was slightly asleep but billy didn't know Samantha was in the bathroom, "man I have to whiz" billy said to himself as he walked upstairs to use it when Samantha walked out in the dark hallway as she bumped into billy an panicked " you scared the shit out of me billy" Samantha exclaimed quietly. "Sorry about that," he said while giggling a little. In one of the bedrooms mike, and Jenna were making out as she started undressing her clothes as mike did the same. Billy finished up as he and Samantha headed back downstairs when billy heard moaning. "Shhh, do you hear that?" Billy asked as he covered Samantha's mouth before she said anything as the moans grew louder. "That can't be Brent and Isabella nor Blake an Sophia they are asleep" billy pointed out Samantha then burst into tears as billy held her "come on" billy sadly said as he took Samantha to his room and she slept in his bed and he slept on the floor.

The next day.....HALLOWEEN

Everyone awoke from their slumber not knowing what went on last night everyone took showers brushed their teeth got dressed and sat at the breakfast table. Billy and Samantha stared across the table at mike and Jenna who was acting strange. "Um did we miss something last night?" Blake asked. "So do you want us to say it or do you two mike and Jenna?" Samantha asked with anger. "What are you talking about babe?" Mike asked. "You fucked my girlfriend," Billy said with anger as he got up and punched Mike in the face. "What" Isabella outburst as Brent and Blake held the two "yeah I fucked her she enjoyed it too fuck-wad I'm gonna kill you…you piece of shit" mike added. As Samantha got out of her seat and smacked mike in the face declaring their relationship is terminated. Billy then told Jenna it was over as Jenna sadly looked at Isabella. Billy then left to go check on Samantha as Blake looked at mike with disgust as well as Isabella.

Nightfall hit 8 hours later. What was supposed to be a night of partying was a night of silence. Everyone was in their rooms because of constant bickering because of the mike and Jenna situation. It then goes outside showing Michael Myers staring at the house as families with their kids pass by with tricker treat bags and costumes on paying no mind to Michael Myers. It then goes to the Jefferson residence a woman was on the phone with her bestie Susan Caperton discussing that she won't make it to the party and see Roberto. "Yes Susan I'm at the house all alone... house sitting…..yes my family left for the night" she added as she heard a plant fall in the house. She then gasped and jumped holding her hand to her heart "hold on Susan" the woman said as she put the phone down still hearing Susan's voice in the background. The woman then crept to the living room as she turned around to go back to the kitchen Michael then appeared out of nowhere stabbing her repeatedly as she screamed...he then looks at the dead body tilting his head as he put the phone to his ear and hear Susan screaming for Chelsea when she heard a scream he then continued to breathe on the phone then drops it.

Minutes later he appeared back at Blake's parent's old house in the shed killing the power.

Back inside Brent and Isabella were making out as well in the other room Samantha and billy also because they started liking one another all the power then went out in the house as everyone burst out of their rooms "what happened" Billy yelled. "I don't know the power just went out all of a sudden" Blake added. "Fuck where's the power box, Blake?" Mike asked as Blake responded, "in the shed out back". Mike then grabbed his dad's gun and a flashlight as Blake was about to tag along "no bro I got this if it's that fucking creep from earlier I'm blowing his brains out" he declared as Isabella held on to Brent tight as mike made his way.

Mike made it to the shed with the flashlight on holding it in his mouth and his gun ready to shoot he saw the power box then opening it noticing that the wires were ripped out "what the fuck" he said as he slowly backed up. He then came to a complete stop and before turning around Michael Myers slit Mike's throat as mike dropped to the floor as mike looked at his dead body before making his way towards the house.

Back inside…..

"Mikes been taking forever," Blake said as he suggested he and another go see what's going on out there as Jenna decided to go when Samantha gave her a smug look.

Seconds later they made it into the shed as Jenna screamed and Blake looked with panic to see Mike's body hanging upside down. "What the fuck!" Blake shrieked as Michael Myers walked from the shadows of the shed "ooh shit…..Jenna come on now she said as mike drove a knife through her back lifting her in the air then dropped her to the ground next to mike. Blake looked with disarray as he ran out of the shed as Michael followed behind him walking. Blake then burst into the house with a shocked look on his face locking the door behind him trying to catch his breath…what's going on where's mike and Jenna?" Isabella asked. "Dead" Blake replied as everyone was shocked "we need to get the fuck outta here" Blake added as Michael began banging on the door "let's go now " Blake added as Brent saw who it was "Michael Myers" he hesitantly said as they all ran upstairs into separate rooms "hide" Blake whispered as he and Sophia hid under the bed Brent and Isabella in the bedrooms half bathroom in the other room and billy and Samantha hid in the closet of their room. Michael was in the house somewhere lurking in the shadows looking for them as it shows all parts of the house and no Michael Myers insight in the darkness of the house it then goes back to the room "I love you" Isabella whispered to Brent. She was scared and trembling as Brent consoled her telling her the same thing back. It shows billy opening the closet door "Samantha It's quiet in here I think the coast is clear I will go and check just lock this door" he added as he kissed Samantha as she begged him not to go he then closed the closet door as she locked it silently sobbing. He then opened the door slowly as it creaked seeing nothing but darkness. Billy was scared as shit as he walked downstairs and into the kitchen, as he moved towards the back door Michael came from out of nowhere strangling him as billy tried to fight him off gasping for air as he became weaker as Michael's breathing got heavier leaving a helpless billy dead as Michael dropped him an making his way upstairs surprisingly to Billy's room he broke the hinges off of the door as Samantha held her breath he then looks at the blinded closet and tries to open it as Samantha started screaming. He then broke the closet by stabbing a hole through it and forcing his way in

As Samantha screamed she then saw a metal bat and clocked it on Michael's head as he staggered and she hits him once more dropping him to the floor.

She then screams for billy to no answer as the others came out of the rooms seeing Michael laying on the floor she then runs toward her BFF when Michael grabbed her foot sitting up like the undertaker and then stabs her repeatedly in time for no one to save her they all ran as he stabbed Brent in the arm but before he could finish Brent off Blake shot him…..but Michael was still standing then he shot again to Michael still standing then 7 more times as Michael fell out of the window and to the sound of police sirens Michael laid there as Sophia hugged Blake and Brent holding his bloody arm and Isabella consoling him…..

Minutes later they were escorted out of the house by police officers and Brent arguing about his arm "that son of a bitch stabbed me in my fucking arm" he said.

It then shows their friends on stretchers covered up as Brent was being treated by the EMTs and everyone looking on as Isabella and Sophia were sobbing and Blake with his arm around Sophia. "Yup 4 teens dead," one of the EMTs said while adding "so is Michael Myers" as they had him covered on a stretcher body covered also. They then put him in a different ambulance as they drove off…

30 minutes later one of the EMTs in the back wanted to see Michael Myers in person so he hesitantly unzipped it as it shows Michael with his eyes closed "motherfucker I hope you rot" he said as Michael's eyes opened ending with his theme song playing...…