Chapter 16

Hiro struggled to stay awake at this point. He might not be able to scratch Vi but his sword...that was a different matter. It truly was an ordinary katana, a rusted and antique looking one at that.

It is said that in the hands of a true master, a katana can and will slice through tempered steel. But here he say one obliterating diamond. [Heh...even this is one of the logic defying moments since I came here....Now what? I follow the infamous 'Anime-Logic'?...You are gonna have to try a lot harder than this me...]

"You may be tough but your sword...not so much...", said Hiro with more grunts than with words.

Vi simply looked at his cracked sword as if he looked at his friend, the cracked ran along the whole length of it's Sori and had also spread to it's edges. Vi seeing it was time to say goodbye, whispered, "I know I already pushed you past your possible limit but thank you for holding out all this time. Now go on as you have fulfilled your purpose here." and next held the somehow-sheathed katana vertically up in the air with it's handle. The katana instantly started breaking down in golden particle and before long it had vanished completely from Vi's hands.

For a moment Hiro felt he might have gone too far, as he saw slight melancholy in the entity. He thus quickly called, "I am sorry! I didn't know it was important to you. I am really sorry for damaging it. I will somehow repay you for it! I can do the dishes! or clean any buildings you have around here for how ever time you like!"

Vi hearing this quickly smiled, "Hahaha kid! Think nothing of it. Though it is true I am a bit sad that it was cracked, I can't blame you for defending yourself against an attack.", Hiro was visibly relieved.

Growing up in an orphanage only for it to burn afterwards, Hiro knew very well how it felt when someone took your precious things away from you. Sure, he may not be a person with a very tragic past but he was able to feel the pain.

"I was sad because I had been using that blade to practice for some time. I guess I grew attached to it and before you ask even I need to polish my skills from time to time. When ever you walk on the path to mastering a weapon, you will have to use it as if it was an extension of yourself. You have to but your entire being against t and trust it with your life. In time it becomes a part of yourself...and when you loose it, it will feel like a part of yourself will go away as well. Not the passing of a simple friend or an old acquaintance but the next nest thing, your best friend, you yourself."

Hiro fell into deep thought,[Got attached huh? I guess that is bound to happen. But I will not have that luxery when I start my journey. getting attached to anything while Zero searches for me and tries to destroy the world is dangerous....]

Vi realised he might have slipped off and told somethings that he should have told a little later. But oh well, he had to know what the risks were...

"Now kid!" siad a smiling Vi to downed Hiro as he was lying down on the floor, the stress of the situation finally catching upto him.

Hiro was happy Vi didn't take offense to his attck on his katana and would have even smiled back had he not seen that casual smile turn into a face splitting grin. The only was to describe Vi grin right now is that of a gun maniac who suddenly got the permission to use heavier artillery.

[Jeez! There is no trusting this old geezer! Is there?] and Hiro closed his eyes.

Today way the test of your physical limits. All skills are enhancements to your base level. so the stronger the bass, the more powerful the enhancements will make you. From tomorrow we will start your real training....